Looking for SQL Code

  • Hi

    I am having situation where I would like to update the existing data before inserting any new record. It records are two in row, update both but if they are not , then I don't need to update again.

    In below example,  I am inserting data for process ID 3 with process status 2.. But Since FailedNumber is already exist in ProcessTable & His status was 1  and I would like to update his status to 2 for processID 1 & 2 . Once the data updated and inserted,, there is another process that will change status to 1(after another process run).


    There is another situation where I am inserting data for peocessID 3.. While inserting the data for process ID 3.. I am looking for Previous Process ID with failedNumber.. Since ProcessID 2 is not exist, I don't want to update process status to 2 for ProcessID = 1

    Let me know if you need more explanation.






    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  patla4u. Reason: Duplicate
  • Sounds like

    FROM tbl
    WHERE FailedNumber = @FailedNumber
    AND ProcessID IN (@ProcessID - 1, @ProcessID - 2)
    UPDATE tbl
    SET status = @status
    WHERE FailedNumber = @FailedNumber
    AND ProcessID IN (@ProcessID - 1, @ProcessID - 2)
    AND Status <> @status

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • Thanks.

    How can we handle if we have more than 100 records.. This is only for one FailedNumber but looking for multiple failedNumber..

  • I can only give a solution to the problem you state, which was for the update of a single value.

    Since I don't know how your more than 100 records are packaged, and I've only guessed wrong once, I am not going to make a second guess. Please supply CREATE TABLE + INSERT statements for your table(s) and the sample data.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • Nevermind

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Steve Collins.

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Is this really sql 2008?

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Not tested on Sql 2008 but it should work afaik.

    --drop table if exists dbo.test_process_statuses;
    create table dbo.test_process_statuses(
    ProcessKeyId int identity(1,1) primary key not null,
    ProcessDate date not null,
    FailedNumber varchar(5) not null,
    ProcessId int not null,
    ProcessStatus int not null);

    /* example #1 */
    insert dbo.test_process_statuses(ProcessDate, FailedNumber, ProcessId, ProcessStatus) values
    ('2020-01-20', 'C1000', 1, 1),
    ('2020-01-21', 'C1000', 2, 1);

    /* example #2 */
    insert dbo.test_process_statuses(ProcessDate, FailedNumber, ProcessId, ProcessStatus) values
    ('2020-01-20', 'C1001', 1, 1);

    --drop proc if exists dbo.test_proc_process;
    create proc dbo.test_proc_process
    @ProcessDate date,
    @FailedNumber varchar(5),
    @ProcessId int,
    @ProcessStatus int,
    @ProcessKeyId int output
    set nocount on;
    set xact_abort on;

    begin transaction
    begin try
    /* try to update where the previous 2 process id's exists */
    prev_two_cte(FailedNumber, PrevProcCount) as (
    and ProcessId in(@ProcessId-1, @ProcessId-2)
    group by
    update tps
    dbo.test_process_statuses tps
    prev_two_cte ptc on tps.FailedNumber=ptc.FailedNumber
    ProcessId in(@ProcessId-1, @ProcessId-2);

    /* insert new record */
    insert dbo.test_process_statuses(ProcessDate, FailedNumber, ProcessId, ProcessStatus) values
    (@ProcessDate, @FailedNumber, @ProcessId, @ProcessStatus);
    select @ProcessKeyId=cast(scope_identity() as int);

    commit transaction;
    end try
    begin catch
    /* put error handling here */
    select @ProcessKeyId=0;

    rollback transaction;
    end catch

    set xact_abort off;
    set nocount off;

    @ProcKeyId int;

    exec dbo.test_proc_process '2020-01-22', 'C1000', 3, 2, @ProcessKeyId=@ProcKeyId output;
    if @ProcKeyId>0
    print ('Sucess');
    print ('No bueno');

    exec dbo.test_proc_process '2020-01-22', 'C1001', 3, 2, @ProcessKeyId=@ProcKeyId output;
    if @ProcKeyId>0
    print ('Sucess');
    print ('No bueno');

    select * from dbo.test_process_statuses order by 3, 4;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Thanks.

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