Look up Task

  • Having a question regarding Lookup task. In normal look up I think it autometically cache the reference table during run time. I have my reference table being a huge one having almost 60 ML records in it. I may end up having memory issues during run time.So if I do a lookup in this table, is there a way so that the look up task will perform lookup directly from table and not from the cache. I feel that Merge-Join does this. But want to ensure if some setting in lookup task can work? somechange may be in Advanvced setting can acheive this? Any urgent reply will be great help.

  • Go to the Advanced Tab in the Lookup Transformation Editor and check "Enable Memory Restriction", check "Modify the SQL Statement", and click the Parameters button to map your parameters. This will query the database for each row. Or you can modify the cache size to limit the amount of data cached, although I'm not exactly sure how this option works.

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