Long UNC paths of the file

  • I got a problem and need help.

    In my DTS package I'm passing data from the stored procedure into an excel file with a long path ( > than 64 char) using a DataPump task. I'm getting an error message telling me that a path name is too long.

    If instead of Microsoft Excel 97-2000 task I'm using Text File (Destination) task I'm not getting any errors.

    The job created from this package will be running on a Server. I need to get a file in Excel format and I really don't want to do a mapping on the Server site to make this path shorter.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you.


  • This is kinda a kludge, but a quick workaround to get something in excel format is to simply write the data as a tab delimited format, and save it with an xls extention. Excel will recognize and open it with no issues.

  • Thanks Cathan,

    This should work but will need to add couple more tasks in the package and comes out little complicated.

    Does anybody have other suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.


  • I thought of something else. At times when writing files out from SQL, I've encountered issues from spaces and such in the path. By enclosing the full path and filename in quotes, I got around it. Is it possible your being affected by this with the excel file write?

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