Logshipping Issues

  • We've been trying to use logshipping to transfer our data to an offsite location. However, about once per week, the LSN's are out of sync and we've traced it to missing .trn files.

    There are no other programs performing regular backups or transaction log backups from the primary.

    Here are my setting:

    Backups - 5 min

    Delete Backups older than - 1 day

    Copy - 5 min

    Delete Copied Files After - 2 days

    Restore - 5 min

    I'm starting to think that the Delete Copied Files After selection pretty much deletes everything in the directory every 2 days whether or not one of the files was restored.

    So a file that was recently copied, gets deleted if the delete operation occurs. At that point the restore fails because the .trn file is missing/deleted.

    I think that the delete copied files option has nothing to do with the age of the actual file just the contents of the directory during the delete process.

    Any thoughts on this?

  • You can try using the default trace to check if someone issued a backup log statement.


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  • Adi Cohn-120898 (3/1/2010)

    You can try using the default trace to check if someone issued a backup log statement.


    I ran profiler for just the audit backup/restore events. From 10:45 - 12:30, the only backups that occured are the transaction log backups for this log shipping procedure.


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