Login information from SQL Server 7.

  • Where can I find out the last time a Login logged in ? Not in syslogins our sp_helplogins !



  • I'm thinking that you could audit these in SQL 7, not sure. But if you can, then it's in the SQL Server log. You'd have to have turned this on, it doesn't do it by default.


  • Is this information not stored in any system table ? I have inherited a server and I just want to check for logins that may have been unused for a certain length of time

  • Unfortunately, none of the system tables stores the login information. As steve mentioned, you need to turn the logging on.

  • Hi,I have the same requirement,I would like to know unused user accounts in my database,for that I need to know when a user last logged on to the database?

    I am using SQLSERVER 2000,is there any system table where can I get these information?



  • Hi,I have the same requirement,I would like to know unused user accounts in my database,for that I need to know when a user last logged on to the database?

    I am using SQLSERVER 2000,is there any system table where can I get these information?



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