Log shipping and emergency truncate log

  • Guys,

    The company I've just joined uses Log Shipping to run reports outside of OLTP server...

    As a backup tool they've implemented Legato. Sometimes Legato tran log backup fails and to prevent HD from being filled  I have no  choice , but to go to OLTP server, change db to simple mode, kill Legato clients, run dbcc shrinkfile and backup log <db name> with truncate_only and change db mode back to full. Such manipulation makes tran log shipping disintegrated (log sequence chain gets effected) and log shipping restore fails. Db is about 120 GB.

    What should I do in this ambivalent situation ?

    Thank you, Mike

  • Why does the T-Log backup fail? 

    Why can't you just restart the T-Log backup instead of destructively destroying data?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • AJ,

    Legato T-Log backup is a responsibility of another person and he was on vacation...

  • Sounds like a good opportunity for cross training and having a backup

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • When the LSNs in the logs get out of sync (this happens with that truncate_only) your log shipping is essentially "broken". Unfortunately you'll need to start over.

  • you should NEVER use trucate_only unless you are sure that you can take a FULL db backup like expressed above after the truncate you can pretty much throw away all you Tlog backups

    Such is the case that in SQL 2005 truncate_only option is planned not to be available!



    * Noel

  • It was a dilemma : either to let multicustomer web application to stop and chase for Legato problems (and pay for outage time) or disregard one of our internal applications (in terms of forcing a tran log truncate and possibly  damaging log shipping)...


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