Locked cubes - how to unlock without restarting service

  • Example, editing a cube in AS manager, someone pulls the power to your PC/lose network etc.

    You reopen AS manager got to edit/process the cube it says you have it locked.

    Question - how do you unlock it without restarting the olap service on the server?

  • We process a lot of cubes, and sometimes the AS locks up objects, and what do we do ? well we restart the AS .

    I have come to the conclusion that AS does seem to have som locking problems... That is my experience...


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • I´m using the same 'elegant' method, but i think that our friends from Microsoft should be developed some utility, exe, command or whatever that let us do that in a less violent way




  • close the other application running AS Manager in the network. Thats it.....

  • My machine is the only one running AS Manager on the network

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