Load the records for prior year and current year

  • Hi Sir,

    I have some my below requirment to loading some last year and currnet year records for some ID's in my table,

    we have to load the ID's that are active at the end of the year for the prior year and ID's that are active as of today for the current year.Here is the scenario when the ID is currently terminated but active at the end of the prior year and the record is not in the table.so, we didn’t load the count for the prior year

    Here prior year is 2015-2015 and Current year is 2015-2016

    CREATE TABLE remp_year

    (ID INT,




    date_year nvarchar(10) NULL)

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (10,'Active','2015-05-26','2015-12-31','2015-2016');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (20,'Active','2014-01-01','2014-12-31','2014-2015');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (20,'Terminated','2015-01-01','2015-12-31','2015-2016');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (30,'Active','2015-01-01','2015-12-31','2015-2016');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (40,'Active','2014-01-01','2014-12-31','2014-2015');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (50,'Active','2014-01-01','2014-12-31','2014-2015');

    INSERT INTO remp_year VALUES (50,'Terminated','2015-01-01','2015-12-31','2015-2016');

    Here prior year is 2015-2015 and Current year is 2015-2016.

    Here ID 20 and 50 for terminated records is the prior year records so it should count for the last year and those are active in this year those will count for this year.

    so request you pls help me how to achive this?.

  • please share your desired output as well.

  • My output would be

    for 2015 if I select date_year=2014-2015 prior yearthe count would be 3 (for id 20,40 and 50)

    for 2016 if I select date_year=2015-2016 current year the count would be 2 (for id 10,30)

    and the result would be in single sql query

  • As per you desired result, this isn't that much hard to write the query for this.

    -------- for 2014-2015

    select ID

    , STATUS


    , END_DATE

    , date_year

    from remp_year

    Where date_year = '2014-2015'

    and STATUS = 'Active'

    order by START_DATE

    -------- for 2015-2016

    select ID

    , STATUS


    , END_DATE

    , date_year

    from remp_year

    Where date_year = '2015-2016'

    and STATUS = 'Active'

    order by START_DATE

    you just need to put filter on your status column.

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