Linked Servers and SERVERPROPERTY

  • Hi folks,

    I am trying to use the “SERVERPROPERTY” function in a stored procedure to get data from a linked server and then save that data in a temp table.

    My temp table:

    CREATE TABLE #Serverproperties

    ( PropertyName nvarchar(50)NOT NULL

    ,PropertyValue nvarchar(250)



    My procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_LinkedServer_Qry1


    @LinkedServer varchar(50)

    ,@port varchar (10)




    DECLARE @sql varchar (1000)

    SET @SQL = 'INSERT #Serverproperties SELECT (PropertyName,PropertyValue)

    FROM OpenQuery([' + @LinkedServer + ',' + @Port + '],SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(''MachineName'') as "machine_Name"'




    Parameters for the stored procedure are servername and port#:

    EXEC dbo.usp_LinkedServer_Qry1 SERVERX15,1688

    Execution results in this error:

    Msg 203, Level 16, State 2, Procedure usp_LinkedServer_Qry1,

    The name ' SELECT (PropertyName,PropertyValue)

    FROM OpenQuery([SERVERX15,1688],SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as "machine_Name"' is not a valid identifier.


    I’m not sure what this error is telling me. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  • You've incorrectly built your command.

    Basically you want to execute this:

    INSERT #Serverproperties

    SELECT 'MachineName', SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')

    To do this on a linked server, look at this:

  • Thank you.

    I was able to retreive data from the openquery statement using "SELECT *" which returns one value.

    I'm having problems inserting data into my temp table because the table has two columns: PropertyName and PropertyValue. The code will work if I take it out of the @sql block and execute it from a Query window.

    Any suggestions? I'm sure it's something simple but I just don't see what is wrong.

    This code produces an error: Incorrect syntax near 'productversion'.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_LinkedServer_Qry1


    @LinkedServer varchar(50)

    ,@port varchar (10)




    declare @sql nvarchar (1000)

    set @sql = N'INSERT #Serverproperties

    SELECT 'productversion'


    FROM openquery ([' + @linkedServer + ',' + @port + '], ' + '''SELECT SERVERPROPERTY (''''ProductVersion'''') AS [Version]'')'

    EXEC (@SQL)



  • print out your SQL, look at it, execute it in stages. You are getting a syntax error here.

  • My code is working. Thanks very much. Quotation marks will be the death of me...


  • Quotes are hard. It's why printing out the string is a good idea.

    Glad it's working.

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