Linked Server Performance.

  • Morning All,

    Has anyone encountered a problem whereby communication between linked servers (standard sql server linked server, not oledb) is slower in one direction than the other?

    we currently have a setup where performing the same query results in very different speed increases, depending on what server the linked server resides?

    any opinions would be appreciated,

    -- Alex



  • Hi Alex,

    It looks like server where your query has bad performance does not have regular maintenance (update statistics, reindex etc.). Check execution plan in all cases.

    Use rather OPENROWSET and OPENQUERY than four path reference for tables 'server.database.owner.table'.





  • hiya, thanks for your response.

    stats are updated nightly and indexes rebuilt on a weekly basis.

    how does openrowset differ from the 4 part name? (under the hood)


     -- Alex


  • I've seen it before where a query from a remote server doesn't use the approriate index when executing, mind you, that was a year ago on a SQL 7 box so maybe it doesn't apply here.

  • it just so happens Mike, that these are 7 boxes. How did you get around it / force it to use the right index - just using hints?

    -- Alex


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