Linked server issues with SQL 2008 SP2

  • Hi,

    I have a linked server from SQL 2008 Standard x68 to Sybase ASE 15 x68. SQL was at SP1 and all was fine other than the 'internal' memory pool running out of memory sometimes. After installing SQL 2008 SP2, the linked server does not work at all. Instead, issuing a query only results in an eventual timeout. No networking has changed and the servers can ping each other. The Sybase server is healthy.

    Has anyone else had this problem after SP2? There are no errors logged anywhere that I can find other than a timeout.


  • Is it a specific query or literally anything that goes through the linked server?

    E.g. Does something like this work?

    select * from OPENQUERY(mylinkedservername,'Select getdate()')

    I've found some random linked server problems (with Oracle and not specifically related to SP2) that queries seem to hang indefinitely until you do a server reboot (of the SQL Server), so might be worth trying.

  • No queries work. Even expanding the linked server node no longer works (timeout).

    We have tried registering new linked servers with the same details, and while they register, they also fail to return any results.

    The server was rebooted immediately before and after SP2 was installed.

  • We had an issue with SP2 on one server where a special .NET Framework Provider for an application vanished due to .NET Framework 4.0 being installed.

    Whether this could have anything to do with your issue, I have no idea, but thought I'd throw it out there just in case.

    Bite-sized fiction (with added teeth) [/url]

  • Well, I solved it. The service pack unchecked the 'allow inprocess' checkbox for the linked server provider!

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