Linked Server Error on One Server but Not Others

  • Hello:

    I'm trying to create a linked server with a remote Access 2003 database from a SQL 2005 instance on Server1. Everything I try is giving me this error:

    Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "SampleAccessDB".

    The user account I used to log onto Server1 is a domain admin and has full rights to the folder in which the Access DB resides. I logged on to Server2 (which also has SQL 2005) using the same account and created the linked server in exactly the same way, and it worked fine. I tried exactly the same thing on Server3 and it also worked fine. So now I know that it's not a permissions issue with the user account, but is something having to do with Server1.

    Can anyone give me any ideas on what settings I should check to figure out what's different between Server1 and Servers 2 & 3?


  • Hello:

    As an update, I found out that Server1 (the one where the linked server won't work) has Windows Server 2008 installed, while the other two have Windows Server 2003. Has anyone had this problem when migrating to Windows Server 2008? Please help--this is starting to make me crazy!

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