Linked server

  • I created a linked server in ServerA to ServerB but another user created linked server in ServerB to ServerA.

    Does it cause performance issue?

  • Depends on the type of activity from A to B and vice-verse. Are there going to be distributed transactions involved? More details of the nature of usage will help in getting a better answer.

    - Rex

  • the mere existence of linked servers will not affect anything; it's the same as your phone having my number, and my phone having yours; they are independent.

    now if you try something crazy and complex, like having Server A use Server B's linked server to update Server A All over again, then it might get to be a problem, or perform slowly, but typically that would never actually happen.


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  • Even if it does cause potentially more network traffic as a result of normal usage, that is the point of creating the connection from server A to B was to server a purpose, right? This won't necessarily constitute an "issue" with performance. You network should be scaled to handle the traffic if it does become slow.


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