
  • Question/Answer still not fixed...would like points please! 🙂

  • as of Monday morning the question is still not fixed.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • 4, 4, 4! I claim my point! 😛

  • I'm more than a little surprised at today's answer....

  • That's really an excellent advise...


  • the question is completely wrong, the text in question is saying, 'nvarchar' and not 'nchar'

    [font="Times New Roman"]rfr.ferrari[/font]
    DBA - SQL Server 2008

    remember is live or suffer twice!
    the period you fastest growing is the most difficult period of your life!
  • The really sad thing is that this is not all that uncommon an occurrence but if any of the questions are corrected and/or the persons with the actual correct answers credited for them, I don't recall seeing a notification that this was done. I've learned a lot from QoD over the years, perhaps even more than from the articles because (in a lot of cases) I end up having to do the research to find the answer myself and, therefore, seem to retain it better than just "being told" the answer. It's a little disheartening to find something this obvious making it through to the end user.

  • Ernie Schlangen (4/11/2011)

    The really sad thing is that this is not all that uncommon an occurrence but if any of the questions are corrected and/or the persons with the actual correct answers credited for them, I don't recall seeing a notification that this was done.

    The only time I remember being involved in an incorrect question/answser issue for the QOTD, no email goes out to anyone. I only saw a post on the associated discussion indicating that the numbers were corrected. It's probably impractical to try to email everyone that gave the correct answer to the question as it was originally posted.

    It is interesting to see the gamut of replies, going from shock and surprise, to humorous, and in one case (IMHO) haughtiness. My sympathies go to Sriram (the question poster). I've lost count how many times I've written some code, waited for a while to test it, watch it crap out, and then wonder "What the heck was I thinking?!?" In the great scheme of things, it's all ok - nobody died (well, except for the further degredation of my successful point count, which was measly to start with).

  • The only time I remember being involved in an incorrect question/answer issue for the QOTD, no email goes out to anyone. I only saw a post on the associated discussion indicating that the numbers were corrected. It's probably impractical to try to email everyone that gave the correct answer to the question as it was originally posted.

    I don't expect to be emailed, more like a note on the next QotD that tells everyone that the question was incorrect and has been corrected, with or without point awards (that's not really the point anyway, although it adds a little spice to the process!). Since you mentioned it, I seem to recall seeing such a note in the discussion once but I do not always join in the discussion and, based strictly on the number of posts, neither do most users. It just seems to me that adding a note to a future QoD should be easy to do and would then let everyone know that something was changed and prompt them to look back at it if they're unsure of why such a notice is being posted. I have a high regard for the QotD as a learning tool. It's just that I feel that this process could be improved.

  • Ernie Schlangen (4/11/2011)

    The only time I remember being involved in an incorrect question/answer issue for the QOTD, no email goes out to anyone. I only saw a post on the associated discussion indicating that the numbers were corrected. It's probably impractical to try to email everyone that gave the correct answer to the question as it was originally posted.

    I don't expect to be emailed, more like a note on the next QotD that tells everyone that the question was incorrect and has been corrected, with or without point awards (that's not really the point anyway, although it adds a little spice to the process!).

    I agree with Ernie, I would like to see a note somewhere on the QOTD section that states that yesterday's QOTD was corrected or something to that effect. Then everyone knows what's up without having to scroll through the posts. Or maybe if points are being awarded back to people who actually answered it correctly, then mark the truly correct value in the standings for that question as bold or red or something with a footnote as to why that answer is bolded. The downside there is that you still have to go back to look at the question in question.... (terrible wording, I know) 🙂

  • It's 4, not 60...NVARCHAR is not a fixed length...

  • ooops

  • I want my point!

  • Pouliot Philippe (4/11/2011)

    I want my point!

    So do I - which is why I'm replying here. That way I get my point for the post!

    I came to this question late, and managed to pick the same "wrong" answer as everyone else. I'm not going to complain though - as bitbucket said earlier in the thread, people who really care about question quality can try submitting some themselves, as he and I have done. 😛

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