Last_redone_time is stuck 3 days behind, Log is filled up

  • Hi, Please help me here to figure out the fix.. i have very large database that is setup in availability group. One of the database has log is filling up so big. when i am looking into secondary node there is Last_redone_time is stuck 3 days behind.. everything shows synchronize and no data lost. Any Idea what can be done to fix this without doing re-setup?


  • Sagar-636902 (3/18/2015)

    Hi, Please help me here to figure out the fix.. i have very large database that is setup in availability group. One of the database has log is filling up so big. when i am looking into secondary node there is Last_redone_time is stuck 3 days behind.. everything shows synchronize and no data lost. Any Idea what can be done to fix this without doing re-setup?


    Find out why it is so far behind and address that issue. Network latency and network pipe size (Mbps) are the two main culprits usually. Other is the speed of the disks on each end.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thanks for the response. i am also looking into the secondary, there is frequent block is happening to the command DB STARTUP. IS that an issue?

  • Take a look at this thread to see if anything is helpful, especially ALZDBA's scripts.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thanks, appreciate for that response. that did not give any return.. question is that 'DB STARTUP' command get blocked every now and then for second or two. is this normal, i did not see that on other environment. however that last redone time is moving and slowly..but what can i do to improve this ?

  • Sagar-636902 (3/18/2015)

    Thanks, appreciate for that response. that did not give any return.. question is that 'DB STARTUP' command get blocked every now and then for second or two. is this normal, i did not see that on other environment. however that last redone time is moving and slowly..but what can i do to improve this ?

    Did you do a full-blown test of Availability Groups before you started actually using them? If not, then you don't know if something went sideways or not that is making things be way slower than your baseline. If you did and they were slow then, well, maybe you shouldn't be using AGs. 🙂 And if you did NOT test before hand, then you DEFINITELY shouldn't be using AGs!! :w00t:

    Like I said, you need to decipher WHY it isn't progressing as fast as you want it and address that issue.

    Also note, you get ONE THREAD for redo - which can be more limit than your system can accept. Also note that if you have readable secondaries, then you pay a TRIPLE COST because you modify your PRIMARY data structures with a 14-byte version store pointer so that your secondary can be read from!! Most people don't know about that particular gotcha - until it crushes them.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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