Largest Unit

  • I don't get the answer. If you read the question on the website (not in the email, but on the website, it asks: "Largest Unit

    How much information does a Yottabyte store? (check all that apply)"

    The answer in Wikipedia is both 1000^8 and 1024^8:

    "When used with byte multiples, the SI prefix may indicate a power of either 1,000 or 1,024, so the exact number may be either:

    1 septillion, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes — 10008, or 1024, or

    1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes — 10248, or 280.

    The term "yobibyte", using a binary prefix, has been proposed as an unambiguous reference to the latter value."

    so why not all answers are correct?

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • I'd actually have to agree that all 4 are correct. I left out 10^24 as I didn't realize that 10^24 = 1000^8. I based my answer on the info from wikipedia, which gave 1000^8, 1024^8, and 2^80 as valid answers.

    I really think I have a good "questionable QOTD" in another thread.


  • The answer depends on which definition you want to use. Going by JEDEC, it is 1024^8 = 2^80, but going by SI you get 1000^8th.

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog:

  • Thanks. I wanted this question be fun and to get those that just jump to a site or do a search straight up and get an answer. Hey, for all of the ones that caught in the trick, go to the WIKI regarding this and update the contents. I have been caught on many questions where I did not consider why all the choices were right or wrong. I am the results of public schooling where my teachers believed in the trick questions.:pinch:

  • Thanks Herb,

    Math is fun - hands down. Your gesture is appreciated.


  • srienstr (4/4/2008)

    Derek Dongray (4/4/2008)

    No, there is only one type of person in the world: those who count.

    Except of course for Democrat primary voters in MI and FL. :hehe:

    The joke was supposed to go...

    "There is only one type of person in the world: those who count." 😀

    "What about those who don't count?" :unsure:

    "Oh, they don't count!" 😀


  • I agree with Wikipedia on this one too. If the question was more precise, using the decimal abbreviation, then I'd have only checked the decimal answers. Unfortunately I checked all 4. Least I get a point for posting this!

  • Steve Jones: Sorry to have placed you and SearchSQLServer in a defensive position. I only noticed tonight, :blush: I included the wrong reference by using linuxreview. I meant to use Thanks "craigpessano" for bring it to the forefront. I heard the term yottabyte and did not know the meaning nor was I positive of the spelling. So I started researching the web and had several links, which was why the wrong link was made the reference (did not pay attention to detail). :pinch:

    I want to thank those responders like Trader Sam, Shaun McGuile, majorbloodnock, A.K. Valley (not to be confused with A.K.A.), Lynn Pettis, Jamie Longstreet and Noffer for seeing the fun in the question and for acknowledging all four were right regardless of the reference link error.

    I wonder how many of the folks that took the time to voice complaints and were upset to drop a tenth of a percent in their recorded scores, understand the tongue-and-cheek humor of the NextFlix radio adds?

    I enjoy the Question of the Day, not to see how smart I am 😎 or to be at the top of a statistic, :smooooth: but to learn. I know I would have missed more than I have, if I was testing my limited experience with SQL Server. Instead, I try to determine what each question's selection needed to make it right. :ermm: Some questions take a minute and there are others where I spend up to an hour or more trying to figure out a new area the question is about (new to me). Even after spending an hour, I still get a few wrong. :rolleyes: Hey, you will not find me at the top, but that is not a goal I am pursuing. My goal is to learn something new each day and the Question of the Day often helps in achieving this goal. :Wow:

    My next question, should I take the risk, :Whistling: will be using a small printed reference from an SQL Server book and see if the author is put on a steak. But, I am waiting for the okay from the author(s) for approval to use his/her/their work and if he/she/they approve the question, the reference quoted, and if the "curve" and "slider" options are worthy of being submitted for, "[font="Comic Sans MS"]The Question of the Day[/font]."

    This has almost been as much fun :satisfied: as submitting my cent-and-a-half on the side of "no images in a database" on another SQL Server website and watching the battle from afar. Even after offering up a paper from MS, where it was not a good practice to do so, there were those that remained mulish. :alien:

  • Herb: people store images in databases? :sick:

    Poor niave fools!


    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

  • You are surely wrong this time if you don't stick to a few peoples proposition. It has not been decided yet for yobibyte.

    Reference -

    Chandrachurh Ghosh
    DBA – MS SQL Server
    Ericsson India Global Services Limited
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

  • There is always the googal and the googalplex


  • Jamie Longstreet (4/25/2008)

    There is always the ....... googalplex

    Is that like opening up a search engine on a multiplex cinema screen?

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • I must agree this is wrong... the reference actually says

    "Because of irregularities in the definition and usage of terms for byte multiples, the exact number can be either one of the following:

    or 1 septillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes — 1000^8, or 10^24.

    1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes — 1024^8, or 2^80.

    Because of these irregularities, the term "yobibyte" has been proposed as an unambiguous reference to the latter value. (See binary prefixes.) "

    The question was unclear from the beginning, as confirmed by its reference. I want my point! 🙂


  • Indeed... answer could be:

    1 septillion, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes — 1000^8, or 10^24


    1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes — 1024^8, or 2^80


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