Know read and write ratio before you tune database performance

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Know read and write ratio before you tune database performance

  • Good script, thank you.

  • Yes, good script. But what its practical usage ? Yes, I found that for most of my tables read ratio is 95%, and what next?

  • I find it useful for tuning. Such as indexing, use of compression on the tables.

    I do have a question though, would it be more useful if this data was collected overtime? For instance, in my environment we are reloading tables every morning and then through the day it is nothing but reads. Would this query still give me a good picture of the read/write ratio?

  • You also need to keep in mind that index usage stats count the number of times an operation occurs, not the quantity of rows affected. That is, "10 scans", say, means ten different times SQL did a scan operation on that table, but each of those scans could have been for 1 row, 100 rows, or 1M+ rows. Thus, the quantity of rows is indeterminate.

    You'd need to use the operational stats view to get individual counts. But, very unfortunately, that view can get paged out and lose existing totals.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • NatalyaM (12/21/2015)

    I find it useful for tuning. Such as indexing, use of compression on the tables.

    I do have a question though, would it be more useful if this data was collected overtime? For instance, in my environment we are reloading tables every morning and then through the day it is nothing but reads. Would this query still give me a good picture of the read/write ratio?

    That makes sense to me too. Thanks for that insight.

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