joining on most recent date

  • Hi,

    I have two tables:

    Table A:

    product_id int

    purch_date datetime

    Table B:

    Product_id int

    updated_date datetime

    Table B hold a history of a profile of a product.

    I wish to create a join between the table that will link a product sold to a product profile on that day. Sounds easy but of a day when a product is sold the latest version (on table B) but be a few days previous.

    Any help welcome,


  • select *

    from TableA

    inner join TableB

    on purch_date = b.updated_date

    where b.updated_date = (select max( c.updated_Date)

    from TableB c

    where c.product_id = b.productid)

  • running this gives me

    Server: Msg 147, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.

    i'm using sql 7 also

  • also.....

    a product may be purchased on say 5th Dec 2005

    but the product's last profile update may be 23 Nov 2005.

    just though i would add that in just in case.


  • Please post the exact statement you are running that is giving you the error.


  • apologies, that reported error message was a typo !

    but it still returns the wrong information.

    basically i'm looking for the recent match.

  • Use a derived table to locatethe most recent update per product, and join to it.

    Select A.Product_id, A.Purch_Date, B.*

    From A

    Inner Join B

      On A.product_id = B.product_id

    -- Join to derived table of most recent update per product

    Inner Join


      Select Product_Id, Max(updated_date) As MostRecentUpdate

      From B

      Group By Product_Id

    ) dt Recent

      On (dtRecent.MostRecentUpdate = B.Updated_date)

  • i knew this was tricky.

    the join has to exist to, yes, the most recent, but yes, recent as per the purchase date. we don't want to reference an edition of the product after the purchase date.

    Product_id product_update_date

    0001 05-Dec-2005

    0001 01-Dec-2005

    0001 23-Nov-2005

    0001 20-Nov-2005

    Product_id purchase_date

    00001 30_Nov-2005

    I wish to link to the product purchase date to product edition of the 20-Nov-2005

    It's actually a view I am creating.

    Thanks all for your help so far


  • Building on PW's statement I think this will work:

    Select A.Product_id, A.Purch_Date, B.*

    From A

    Inner Join B

      On A.product_id = B.product_id

    -- Join to derived table of most recent update per product

    Inner Join


      Select Product_Id, Max(updated_date) As MostRecentUpdate

      From B

      Where updated_date <= A.Purch_Date

      Group By Product_Id

    ) dt Recent

      On (dtRecent.MostRecentUpdate = B.Updated_date)


  • Oops, I totally missed that.

    Alas, you can't reference the outer Table A inside a derived table, so you need to build a different derived table that introduces the purchase date, since you need the most recent profile update per purchase, per product:


    Select A.Product_id, A.Purch_Date, B.*

    From A

    Inner Join B

      On A.product_id = B.product_id

    -- Join to derived table of most recent update per product, per purchase

    Inner Join


      Select A.Product_Id, A.Purch_Date, Max(B.updated_date) As MostRecentUpdate

      From B

      Inner Join A

        On A.product_id = B.product_id

      Where B.updated_date <= A.Purch_Date

      Group By A.Product_Id, A.Purch_Date

    ) dtRecent

      On (dtRecent.MostRecentUpdate = B.Updated_date And

          dtRecent.Purch_Date = A.Purch_Date And

          dtRecent.Product_Id = A.Product_ID)

  • /*I assume from your post Product_id 00001 in the second table is a typo instead of 0001 and you need '23-Nov-2005' in the resultset instead if '20-Nov-2005'. If you really need '20-Nov-2005'  what is the logic.*/

    set nocount on

    declare @Prod table (Product_id varchar(10), product_update_date datetime) profile_date

    insert @Prod

    select '0001', '05-Dec-2005' UNION

    select '0001', '01-Dec-2005' UNION

    select '0001', '23-Nov-2005' UNION

    select '0001', '20-Nov-2005'

    declare @purchase table(Product_id varchar(10), purchase_date datetime)

    insert @purchase

    select '0001', '30-Nov-2005'

    select A.Product_id, max(A.product_update_date)


     @Prod A


     @purchase B


     A.product_update_date <= B.purchase_date

    GROUP BY A.Product_id


  • Right, but what if you want other columns from B in the resultset ?

    The original question was to join a product's purchase to its most recent "profile". Maybe I'm wrong in assuming that there is more to table "B" and the concept of "Profile" than just the updated_date ?


  • If we assume product_id and date are unique.

    set nocount on

    declare @Prod table (Product_id varchar(10), product_update_date datetime, haha varchar(10), hihi varchar(10))

    insert @Prod

    select '0001', '05-Dec-2005', 'aaa', 'bbb' UNION

    select '0001', '01-Dec-2005', 'aaaa', 'bbbb' UNION

    select '0001', '23-Nov-2005', 'aaaaa', 'bbbbb' UNION

    select '0001', '20-Nov-2005', 'aaaaaa', 'bbbbbb'

    declare @purchase table(Product_id varchar(10), purchase_date datetime)

    insert @purchase

    select '0001', '30-Nov-2005'

    select main.*


     @Prod main



     select A.Product_id, max(A.product_update_date) product_update_date


      @Prod A


      @purchase B


      A.product_update_date <= B.purchase_date

     GROUP BY A.Product_id) pre


     main.Product_id = pre.Product_id

    and main.product_update_date = pre.product_update_date


  • insert @purchase

    select '0001', '30-Nov-2005'

    OK, taking your test data, add another purchase of the same product:

    insert @purchase

    select '0001', '02-Dec-2005'

    Resultset is only 1 record. Is this correct ? Only original poster knows I guess.

    My assumption was resultset should be every sale combined with most recent profile as it existed at the time of the sale. Hence why my derived table also pulled purchase date for joining back to A to get every sale.


  • Original poster said

    the join has to exist to, yes, the most recent, but yes, recent as per the purchase date. we don't want to reference an edition of the product after the purchase date.

    so one result set is correct.

    But as you said if one product_id has more than one purchase date then only original poster would know.


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