Join two tables from two different sql server intances

  • Hi

        I am having two different sql server instances ,i want to join two tables from different sql server instances plz help

  • if you have created linked server,then use format "ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.TableName" you can write your sql.  

  • Can you help me how to create linked server

  • Check out sp_addlinkedserver in the books online.  I can't give  you the exact syntax without asking much more info !


    Message back if you have problems creating it.

  • I tried sp_addlinkedserver ,still unable to find the solution, what information u need from my side let me know


  • What code did you use with sp_addlinkedserver?


    Can you do a simple select from the remote server?


    Like so : Select * FROM RemoteServer.Master.dbo.SysObjects

  • Hi

      Thanks for the help, i changed few settings in sp_addlinkedserver now its working fine.

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