Job Notification via DB Email

  • Hello all.

    Because of this is my first post, I would like to say hello to everyone.

    Going to business:

    I am using Job Notifications to inform me about job completed via email.

    I am wondering if there is a way to change the topic and mail body of the message, which now looks following: SQL Server Job System...?

    I am convinced that there is a way, but I cannot find it.

    System: MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard

    Thank you for help

    Best regards


  • Yes, you can do it. If you could share the script you are using, we could assist you.


  • Hi.

    There is no script.

    The mail is sent automatically by JOB process: JOB->Properties->Notifications: Email, when JOB completes.

    Hope it helps.



  • I would suggest to use MS procs sp_sendmail & sp_alerts. You can have custom subject, Body etc..

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