Job failure on error

  • I am trying to have a job continue when it encounters an error. The job has only one step, to call a stored procedure. The proc restores trans log files to backup databases, and if there is an error in one it will skip that DB and move on to the next one using a try catch block.

    If I run the procedure on it's own, it will work as it's supposed to and continue through the error, but if I run it as a job it will fail on the error and not continue. I thought that there was a setting under the job step, advanced that allowed you to set the max number of errors before failure, but I must be mistaken about that. Is there a way to set this that I'm just missing? or do i have to create a step for each database and just tell it on failure to go to the next step?

  • You can configure the job to "go to next step on failure" instead of "quit the job reporting failure"

  • but there's only one step, so won't that not do anything?

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