Its not a good idea to have metadata in the name!

  • Andy brings up an approach I have seen before; however well intentioned, it presents a problem.  As a developer turned data analyst, I have learned that it is not  a good idea to put the datatype in the column name.  For example, if you were to need to change from 'int' integer to 'bigint' big interger later as further development occurs, you cannot change the name.  The same thing happens with 'ts' Timestamp vs 'ds' or date stamp.  This information is better retained in the database model.  Steve Perry

  • I agree strongly with the statements here. Modern IDEs are starting to support SQL code and can assist with technical information while developing and debugging, reinforcing the idea that the code should reflect conceptual levels and have real-life (requirements) significance. However, I have to question the invocation of ISO standards.

    How many U.S. developers follow the ISO standards? I suspect that the number is very low. What is your experience?

    I wouldn't mind reading and learning from the ISO standards as I am sure that they represent a valid set of best practices, but they are quite expensive to acquire even in downloadable PDF format. Is there any way to get these inexpensively?

  • 6) You look really stupid when you use a "tbl-" prefix in a language that has only one data structure.  Likewise "vw-" looks stupid since the user is not supposed to know if a data element is a base or virtual table in a properly designed schema.  Perhaps the table deals with Volkswagens?

    That one is especially annoying!  Luckily, very few people out there actually use some version of Hungarian Notation, for which us maintainers of legacy code are eternally grateful.

    It seems to me it's just an artifact of the days when languages where not strongly typed. It is even more absurd to find HN in C# code, where virtually everything is an object.  Microsoft needs to get a clue and stop pushing this crap.


    Signature is NULL

  • Microsoft explicitly recommends against using HN in C#. Where do you see that they are pushing the opposite?

  • The automatically generated code and most examples use things like TextBox1. So it is like expanded HN with the class name first and then the specific variable name as a sequential number. That's extreme HN.

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