IT staff would rather pocket $100k than blast off into space

  • Take the cash? Lame!!!! Why even enter? Missing the whole point of what makes the competition so awesome. What I don't get is why you can't enter if you live in Tennessee? It's in the fine print. And that leaves me out in the cold.

    SQL Managed

  • Any guarantees you are going to get there?

    Winning trips to space isnt something I want to experence first hand...

  • andrew.zarb (11/20/2011)

    Any guarantees you are going to get there?

    Winning trips to space isnt something I want to experence first hand...

    There's no guarantee I'm going to safely cross a street, only experience and caution will protect you.

    A statistic that only makes sense when you think about it. By number of occurrences of injuries or death (so it's ratio'd), it's safer to skydive then it is to drive to and from the place you're going to skydive. Mind you, you usually skydive a bunch of times that day and you only drive twice.

    I have more confidence in safely making it to space than I do in my taxi driver keeping me intact en route from the airport.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • You win the trip in space but your employer is not going to let you have the time off, estimating that you would need at least 1 week off. Would you quite in order to take the flight?

    Then also consider what if say I take the space flight, but fail the medical screening? Because I took the space flight option and started the process, but then find out I'm not medically cleared did I just loose it all? I mean I may think I am in good condition but the doctor that clears you for the flight may not share the same opinion.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Evil Kraig F (11/21/2011)

    andrew.zarb (11/20/2011)

    Any guarantees you are going to get there?

    Winning trips to space isnt something I want to experence first hand...

    There's no guarantee I'm going to safely cross a street, only experience and caution will protect you.

    A statistic that only makes sense when you think about it. By number of occurrences of injuries or death (so it's ratio'd), it's safer to skydive then it is to drive to and from the place you're going to skydive. Mind you, you usually skydive a bunch of times that day and you only drive twice.

    I have more confidence in safely making it to space than I do in my taxi driver keeping me intact en route from the airport.

    Do manned space craft really have a lower instance of life threatening accidents (per trip) than an automobile?

    The average auto driver can crank up their car a couple thousand times before they are involved in an accident, and only a small percentage of accidents are fatal. However, I think the number of orbital and sub-orbital space flights for all nations combined is a few hundred, and there have been more than a handful of fatalities.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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