Is there a way to select all columns except one or two columns?

  • You have changed the requirements of what you want with each post.

    You should start by thinking through what you actually want, and then asking that question, instead of asking 4 or 5 more questions that you don't actually need the answer to.

  • Michael Valentine Jones (3/4/2009)

    You have changed the requirements of what you want with each post.

    You should start by thinking through what you actually want, and then asking that question, instead of asking 4 or 5 more questions that you don't actually need the answer to.

    Hi Michael, thanks for the suggestion,

    All I'm doing is to Compare an Access table with a SQL table

    (Except the columns of type MEMO in access (NTEXT in SQL))

    So as in Post #668126 above, I have written a custom code to achieve this.

    Now my problem is I'm not able to figure out how to collect the input parameters into an array variable inside the sproc.

    (input parameters:

    first parameter: SQL Table

    second: Access Table - in the form Access_LnkdSrvr...[TableName]

    third parameter onwards: names of MEMO fileds)

    is there any way as in C language like

    int Main(int argc, char argv[])

    so that all the parameters from third can be stored in argv[] (from 0 to n)

    if this is possible in Sproc then I can implement the same in that code and get what I need.




    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • Santhosh (3/4/2009)

    Hi Gail,

    In the Remarks section I found the below statement


    The tablediff utility cannot be used with non-SQL Server servers.

    I'm Comparing a table of Access database(Linked Server) with a table in SQL Server.

    Is it possible to do this?

    As the MSDN page says, no.

    If you'd mentioned anywhere that this was an Access table, I wouldn't have spent 30 min finding that util, finding the page and suggesting is as an option.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (3/5/2009)

    If you'd mentioned anywhere that this was an Access table, I wouldn't have spent 30 min finding that util, finding the page and suggesting is as an option.

    Hi Gail,

    I am really very sorry for that...

    I think I consumed your precious 30mins of time...

    Sorry again




    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • No worries. Please in future explain the entire problem up front.

    What are you still having a problem with?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (3/5/2009)

    No worries. Please in future explain the entire problem up front.

    What are you still having a problem with?

    Ya sure I will,

    now the problem is,

    in the below code, instead of declaring @memo1,@memo2,@memo3,@memo4

    In general for many inputs, can i declare a variable something like

    array and store all the inputs from 3rd parameter onwards into it?

    so that I can LOOP through the array variables and insert those to

    @excluded_columns table variable

    This code will compare the tables excluding the columns specified in the parameter.

    EXEC USP_Compare_Gen 'SQLTable','Access...[Table]',col1,col5

    The input might contain only col1 OR col1,col5 OR nothing OR some 10 columns


    @table1 SYSNAME,

    @table2 SYSNAME,

    @memo1 VARCHAR(100) = '',

    @memo2 VARCHAR(100) = '',

    @memo3 VARCHAR(100) = '',

    @memo4 VARCHAR(100) = ''


    --instead i need to declare an array like variable here





    @errsql VARCHAR(8000),

    @lnkserver VARCHAR(100)

    --Check for the existence of SQL Table

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name=@table1)


    SET @errsql='Table ['+@table1+'] does not exists in the current database'




    --Check for existence of Linked Server(Access Database)

    SET @lnkserver=SUBSTRING(@table2,1,CHARINDEX('.',@table2)-1)

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.sysservers WHERE srvname=@lnkserver)


    SET @errsql='Linked Server ['+@lnkserver+'] does not exists'




    SET @table1='['+@table1+']'

    --If there is no NTEXT field then compare whole table

    IF @memo1 = ''


    SET @sql = 'SELECT ''SQL'' AS DB,''' + @table1 + ''' AS Table_Name, * FROM

    (SELECT * FROM ' + @table1 + '


    SELECT * FROM ' + @table2 + ') x


    SELECT ''Access'' AS DB,''' + @table2 + ''' AS Table_Name, * FROM

    (SELECT * FROM ' + @table2 + '


    SELECT * FROM ' + @table1 +') x'


    END --IF

    --If do exists NTEXT field then compare tables without that column



    DECLARE @excluded_columns TABLE (name SYSNAME)

    DECLARE @Access_Columns NVARCHAR(MAX),

    @SQL_Columns NVARCHAR(MAX)


    --check whether the columns passed in parameter exist in SQL table


    -- Excluded columns


    /*here I need a LOOP that inserts the parameters from the array kind of variable


    INSERT INTO @excluded_columns VALUES (@memo1)

    IF @memo2!=''

    INSERT INTO @excluded_columns VALUES (@memo2)

    IF @memo3!=''

    INSERT INTO @excluded_columns VALUES (@memo3)

    IF @memo4!=''

    INSERT INTO @excluded_columns VALUES (@memo4)


    SET @Access_Columns = ''

    SELECT @Access_Columns = @Access_Columns + ', ' + QUOTENAME(name)

    FROM sys.columns


    and name NOT IN(SELECT name FROM @excluded_columns)

    SET @Access_Columns = RIGHT(@Access_Columns, LEN(@Access_Columns) - 2)

    SET @SQL_Columns = ''

    SELECT @SQL_Columns = @SQL_Columns + ', ' + QUOTENAME(name)

    FROM sys.columns


    and name NOT IN(SELECT name FROM @excluded_columns)

    SET @SQL_Columns = RIGHT(@SQL_Columns, LEN(@SQL_Columns) - 2)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ''SQL'' AS DB,''' + @table1 + ''' AS Table_Name, * FROM

    (SELECT '+@SQL_Columns +'FROM ' + @table1 + '


    SELECT '+@Access_Columns +'FROM ' + @table2 + ') x


    SELECT ''Access'' AS DB,''' + @table2 + ''' AS Table_Name, * FROM

    (SELECT '+@Access_Columns +'FROM ' + @table2 + '


    SELECT '+@SQL_Columns +'FROM ' + @table1 +') x'


    END --ELSE


    Also am I using the RAISERROR method correctly?

    can we use any of the severity level from 0 to 18 as in


    Please let me know if any issues...




    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

  • GilaMonster (3/4/2009)

    Yup, list all the column names (as you've done in your example)

    If you don't want to type, and I don't blame you, then there's a quick way. Expand out object explorer until you can see the table. Expand that out as well. Click on "Columns" and drag that to the query window and you'll have a full list of all the columns in the table, comma delimited. Then you can remove the two that you don't want.

    Gail, once again just by reading your answer, I learned something that I never knew I wanted to know! Thank you!

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • You can also just right-click on a table in the SSMS object explorer, and pick Script Table as, SELECT

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