Is there a way to do this?

  • I have TableA:




    I have TableB (layout exactly like TableA):


    When a record is deleted in TableA, I copy that record to TableB. If I delete 'joe' then I have:







    Then, an insert occurs on TableA with 'joe' again, but this time with possibly some different values. So now TableA looks like this:





    ***Here's what I want to do***

    Update TableA with the values on TableB where the values exist in TableB but are null in TableA for my inserted record ('joe').

    So finally, TableA looks like this:




    This update will be written in an insert trigger on TableA. Just wondering if there was an easy way?

  • - consider an "on delete" trigger to perform your insert into tableB

    - On insert in tableA, you could also use an "insert" trigger to fetch the available missing data from tableB.


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  • In your "after insert" trigger on Table A a MERGE statement could be used to update data in Table A from data in Table B.

    MERGE BOL article:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Unless you have many source to delete tableA, I think the best way is to change the "delete" program.

    For example, you have a procedure [pro_delete]to delete tableA,

    in this proc, when you delete, you output the result to a table_variable_A,

    Then you insert to TableB based on the table_variable_A ---And output the result to table_variable_B,

    Based on the table_variable_B you can merge into table_A

  • Hey Joe,

    Thanks for taking the time to answer. I did some studying and really liked the isea of a MERGE as presented by a previous poster. However, I couldn't get it to compile after trying for quite some time. We really don't have anyone at work to help so that's why I'm here. But rather than come back on the forum and have someone tell me how uneducated and wrong I am and get berated for not posting using the proper standards, I think I'll just go back to the 50's.

    Thanks for your encouragement but PLEASE tell me you are not in any area in charge of education. I thought the whole purpose of this forum is to help others.

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