Is there a free (legal) download of SQL Server 2005 for home use?

  • I'm looking for a legally free copy of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (i.e., "Lite," "Personal Edition," etc.) for my home lab so I can try out some ideas without risking anything at work.

    Is there such a download? If so, can someone point me to it?

  • I think you can only get SQL Express which is the same thing but with a few limitations on how much data you can store (4 gig limit, more than most will ever need) and functionality but i have some large clients using it. If you Google SQL Express you will see it but you will want management studio express too as your GUI.

    Hope that helps.

  • SQL Express is free, but if you want to experiment with all the features of SQL Server you can purchase SQL Server 2008 Developers Edition for about $50.00 USD. It has all the features of SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, just not licensed for production work.

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