Is it possible to upgrade sql 2008 Standard (cluster,64 bit) to sql 2008 enterprise edition?

  • Hi,

    We are looking into the option to buy Sql2008 standard (64 bit) for a cluster installation and then upgrade it to enterprise edition when needed. Is it possible?

    Microsoft listed it their website, but says there is limitation on cluster installation. what does it mean?

    Could someone point me to some sites with more detail information on this subject? If it's possible, I would like to know what it takes to upgrade a standard edition cluster to enterprise edition cluster.



  • Julie,

    Did you get an answer to this question? We are about to do the same thing, and want to know how feasible it is to upgrade from SE to EE in place.

    Let me know what you found.



  • I can't speak to upgrading standard to enterprise.

    However there are cluster limitations on the number of nodes you can run on Standard vs. Enterprise.

    Standard can have only 2 nodes regardless of OS.

    enterprise is 4 for windows 2003

    16 for windows 2008

    Twitter: @SQLBalls

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