is it possible to start a dts from a unix command

  • I need to start a dts on completion of a unix job.

    Steve Johnson

    Steve Johnson

  • I don't know a thing about Unix! But still, the point is that you need some type of communication method. A VERY simple way would be to have your job create a file on a share accessible to your DTS package, have the DTS package (or the job that runs it) poll for the existence of the file. Another hack would be to send email to your SQL box, then use xp_processmail to kick off the DTS.

    Hopefully someone has better ideas than these!


  • How is the Unix job being started? To start a DTS job, AFAIK, you need to use a Windows client. This client will run the DTSRUN exe. This needs to occur on the local machine, similar to a rsh on Unix. If you can execute a remote shell on a Windows client, then it will work.

    Alternatively, if you start the Unix job from a remote shell on a Windows client, then when it completes, you will know and can script something to start the DTS job.

    Steve Jones

  • 2 Things

    NT 4 Resource Kit has both a Telnet Server and a RSH server.

    Windows 2000 has the Telnet server build in and I believe the resource kit has the RSH (but the NT4 service works on 2000).

    With either of these you can use an XPECT script, csh script or bash script to execute DTSRUN from the command line.

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