Is custom paging available - pulling 500,000 records into a report!

  • Hello,

    As the subject atests, I am doing a query on a large database and a report may bring back half a million records. Preliminary tests look like the whole report (all 500K) are coming back instead of a page at a time.

    Is there a switch (wishful thinking?) or do I have to code some custom paging?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • That's a great page James and I am away of this issue. This is the reason I want to find out if there is a simpler workaround for Reporting Services.

    Hoping for a config switch or other magic.

    My thinking so far is to have all of my paging done in the db and have my *.aspx page send the page number needed as a parameter to a stored procedure that does my query and returns the group (page) of results I'm after along with how many pages in total.


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