Interview Questions

  • I mean, I've worked salary and I've worked contract, even though most aspects of the contract job are terrible, the one benefit that almost makes up for the junky projects / health insurance / people is the fact that you get paid for every hour you are there. 🙂

  • Gift Peddie (9/23/2009)

    jcrawf02 (9/23/2009)

    Here in the US I have worked for a bank where you have to pay $10.00 to wear jeans on none jeans days, jeans days comes about once a month. And I think most consulting companies you are required to be formal most of the time.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    I love extortion for wearing my own clothes. I'd rather dress up.

    [edit]quote grabbed the wrong post, fixed it

    That was my feeling at the time the bank claimed it was for their charity fund.


    I worked for a bank that did that too.

    I always wondered if the bank got tax relief on my money that they gave to charity. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to cough up the cash for the charity, I just never felt comfortable that a profit making organization could be claim tax relief on my generosity.

  • It would be good to ask what the main focus of the position would be on a daily basis.

    I also would ask him about the potential to move up within the company would look like and how long would you have to wait before you would be able to apply for the next level.

    I would also ask about the hours of this position, and what type of say so in the company do I have if I choose this position.

    Another thing that you would want to know is if there is a set aside account for training and conferences, and things of that nature.

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