
  • hi all, can anybody suggest me the preparation methodology of sql for interview purpose. i want to know how the question will be on sql and differences between sql2005 & sql2008 as well sql 2008 & sql r8..

  • i think this is not the right place to ask this question, any hows if you google it you will find lots of sites for that.

  • In long run it will not help you (& I am personally against use of such options). I would recommend you go with good literature & learn the technology as core.

    Use at your own risks:

  • What's New in SQL Server 2008 R2


    The following Reporting Services features are new in SQL Server 2008 R2.

    SharePoint Integration

    Collaboration and Reuse

    Data Sources

    Data Visualization

    Report Layout and Processing

    Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions

    Report Authoring Tools

    Cache Refresh Plans

    Report Manager Enhancements

    Business Intelligence Development Studio

    New Web Service Endpoint

    New Report Definition Language Schema

    SharePoint Integration

    Reporting Services with SharePoint integration has several new features. These include support for multiple SharePoint Zones, support for the SharePoint Universal Logging service, a new data extension, a query designer for SharePoint Lists as a data source, and support for right-to-left text with Arabic and Hebrew in the SharePoint user interface. The SharePoint List data extension supports getting data from the SharePoint technologies: SharePoint lists for SharePoint Foundation 2010, SharePoint Server 2010, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, and Office SharePoint Server 2007.

    For more information, see What's New (Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode).

    Collaboration and Reuse

    Reporting Services provides new features that enable and enhance collaboration and reuse within the reporting environment.

    Report Parts

    Report parts are report items that you store on a report server, or on a SharePoint site that is integrated with a report server. You can reuse report parts in multiple reports, and you can update them on the server.

    The report part that you add to your report maintains a relationship to the instance of the report part on the site or server by means of a unique ID.

    Report parts let work groups utilize the different strengths and roles of their team members. For example, one person can create charts and save them as report parts that others can reuse in their reports.

    For more information, see Report Parts in Report Designer (SSRS).

    Shared Datasets

    Shared datasets are a new type of report server item that can retrieve data from shared data sources that connect to external data sources. A shared dataset provides a way to share a query to help provide a consistent set of data for multiple reports. The dataset query can include dataset parameters. You can configure a shared dataset to cache query results for specific parameter combinations on first use or by specifying a schedule. You can use shared dataset caching in combination with report caching and report data feeds to help manage access to a data source.

    Like report parts, a shared dataset that is added to a report maintains a relationship to the definition of the dataset on the report server. Unlike report parts, when the definition is changed, you do not have to accept updates. All reports that have the relationship always use the shared dataset definition on the report server.

    For more information, see Managing Shared Datasets.

    Data Sources

    Reporting Services supports three new data sources types: Microsoft SQL Azure, Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse, and Microsoft SharePoint List.

    •The Microsoft SQL Azure data source type connects to SQL Server databases in the cloud and enable reports to retrieve and render report data from SQL Azure databases. For more information, see SQL Azure Connection Type (SSRS).

    •The Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse data source type connects to a Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse and enable reports to retrieve and render report data from SQL Server databases. For more information, see SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Connection Type (SSRS).

    •SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Connection Type (SSRS)

    •Microsoft SharePoint List data source type connects to a SharePoint site and enable reports to retrieve and render report data from SharePoint lists. For more information, see SharePoint List Connection Type (SSRS).

    Data Visualization

    Reporting Services provided three new ways to visualize data in reports: maps, sparklines and data bars, and indicators.


    Report Designer provides a Map Wizard and Map Layer Wizard to add maps and map layers to your report to help visualize data against a geographic background. A map layer displays map elements based on spatial data from a map in the Map Gallery, from a SQL Server query that returns SQL Server spatial data, or from an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) shapefile. Map elements can be polygons that represent areas, lines that represent paths or routes, or points that represent locations such as stores or cities. You can also add a display background based on Microsoft Bing Maps tiles.

    After you relate map elements with report data, you can specify rules for the map elements on each layer to control color, size, width, or marker type. For example, you can add a bubble map that varies bubble size for store locations based on sales or a color analytical map that displays customer demographics for geographic regions.

    You can add labels, legends, titles, a color scale, and a distance scale to help your users interpret the map display. You can add interactive features such as tooltips and drillthrough links, or provide parameters that enable a user to interactively control the visibility of each layer.

    In a map report, you can use the map wizard to configure an existing map layer. You can change the type of map, the data visualization rules, and change match field that specifies the relationship between spatial data and analytical data. The Specify the match fields for spatial and analytical data wizard page displays data from both the spatial data source and the analytical data source to help you choose the field on which to match.

    For more information, see Maps (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS), Map Wizard and Map Layer Wizard (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS) and How to: Add, Change, or Delete a Map or Map Layer (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Sparklines and Data Bars

    Sparklines and data bars are simple charts that convey a lot of information in a little space, often inline with text. Sparklines and data bars are often used in tables and matrices. Their impact comes from viewing many of them together and being able to quickly compare them, instead of viewing them singly. This makes it easy to see the outliers. Each sparkline often represents multiple data points over time. Data bars can represent multiple data points, but typically illustrate only one. Each sparkline typically presents a single series. You cannot add a sparkline to a detail group in a table. Because sparklines display aggregated data, they must go in a cell that is associated with a group.

    Sparklines and data bars have the same basic chart elements of categories, series, and values, but they have no legend, axis lines, labels, or tick marks.

    For more information, see Sparklines and Data Bars (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).


    Indicators are minimal gauges that convey the state of a single data value at a glance. The icons that represent indicators and their states are visually effective, even when they are used in small sizes. Indicators can be used by themselves in dashboards or free-form reports, but they are most commonly used in tables or matrices to visualize data in rows or columns.

    Indicators can show trends by using directional images such as arrows; ratings by using incremental icons such as stars; and states by using images such as traffic lights or check marks. Indicators are available in Report Builder 3.0 and Report Designer.

    For more information, see Indicators (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Report Layout and Rendering

    Reporting Services provides new features that help you create reports that render the way you want and are useful in different ways such as the source of data feeds and exported to Microsoft Excel.

    Naming Excel Worksheet Tabs

    Properties of reports and page breaks let you generate the names of worksheet tabs when you export reports to Excel. You can provide an initial page name of a report that can be exported as the default name of worksheet tabs, or use page breaks and page names to provide different names for each worksheet tab. For more information, see Understanding Pagination in Reporting Services (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Rendering Reports to Data Feeds

    The Reporting Services Atom rendering extension renders reports data to an Atom service document, which lists the data feeds and the data feeds, which contains the report data. You use this extension to generate Atom-compliant data feeds that are readable and exchangeable with applications that can consume data feeds generated from reports. For example the PowerPivot client can consume data feeds that are generated from Atom-compliant data feeds.

    Using report data as data feeds gives you an additional way to provide data to applications when the data is not easily accessible through client data providers, or you prefer to hide the complexity of the data source and make it simpler to use the data.

    You can export report data to an Atom service document and data feeds from Report Manager or a SharePoint site that is integrated with Reporting Services. For more information, see Generating Data Feeds from Reports (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Report Pagination

    Page breaks on tablix data regions (table, matrix, and list), groups, and rectangles give you better control of report pagination. Report pages, delimited by page breaks, can have different page names and reset page numbering. By using expressions, the page names and page numbers can be dynamically updated when the report is run. You can also disable page breaks entirely, or based on expression values.

    For more information, seeUnderstanding Pagination in Reporting Services (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Rotating Text 270 Degrees

    Text boxes can now be rotated 270 degrees. Standalone text boxes in a report header or footer, the report body, or text boxes in the cells of tables and matrices can display text written vertically and bottom to top. This rotation helps you create more readable reports, fit more columns on a printed report with fixed page size, and create reports with more graphical appeal. For more information, see Text Boxes (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions

    Calculating Aggregates of Aggregates

    You can create expressions that calculate an aggregate of an aggregate. For example, in a cell in the row group header that is associated with a group based on year, you can calculate the average monthly sales for year by using the expression =Avg(Sum(Fields!Sales.Value,"Month"),"Year").

    By using this feature for charts and gauges that are nested in a table, you can align horizontal and vertical axes for charts and scales for gauges. You do this by calculating the maximum and minimum of aggregated values so the nested items use the same ranges.

    For more information, see Aggregate Functions Reference (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS) and Understanding Expression Scope for Totals, Aggregates, and Built-in Collections (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Enhanced Support for Expressions

    New globals and a new property for report variables are introduced in this release.

    The following additional items have been added to the built-in globals collection.

    •OverallPageNumber and OverallTotalPages Support for page numbering for the entire rendered report. New properties that are related to page breaks control how the page numbering occurs over page breaks that are set on report items. For more information, see Report Pagination later in this topic.

    •PageName Support for naming pages. For more information, see Naming Excel Worksheet Tabs later in this topic.

    •RenderFormat Support for information that is specified for the renderer.

    For more information, see Using Built-in Globals and Users References (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Report variables now have a read-only property that is set by default. Advanced expression writers can clear this option to preserve the value of a report variable throughout a report session. This is the equivalent of setting the Writable property for a report variable in RDL. Report variables are still calculated once, and then recalculated every time the report is reprocessed. This property provides a way to persist data across report rendering, page changes, and some types of user interaction. The value of the variable is set when the report is reprocessed, but is maintained in the current session. In custom code, you can specify the variable value by using the SetValue function.

    For more information, see Using Report and Group Variables Collections References (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Lookup Functions

    Expressions in data regions can now include references to Lookup Function (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS), LookupSet Function (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS), and Multilookup Function (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS). These lookup functions can retrieve values from a dataset that has name/value pairs and that is not bound to the data region. For more information, see Understanding Expression Scope for Totals, Aggregates, and Built-in Collections (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).

    Report Authoring Tools

    Report Builder and Report Designer includes a number of new and enhanced features.

    Creating Queries

    The updated graphical query designer used to create queries that retrieve report data from Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Azure, and Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse databases provides a user interface to create custom relationships between related and unrelated tables. The query designer also makes it easy to include aggregates and grouping that summarize data in queries. For more information, see Relational Query Designer (Report Builder 3.0).

    The new graphical query designer for the Microsoft SharePoint List data source type makes it easy to create queries that retrieve report data from SharePoint lists. The query designer lists the fields in each SharePoint list item on a SharePoint site for you to include in the query and enable you to define filters to apply to limit the data that the query returns. For more information, see SharePoint List Query Designer.

    Previewing Reports in Report Builder 3.0

    Report Builder 3.0 provides a better preview experience. The introduction of edit sessions enables the reuse of cached datasets when previewing reports. This means that reports render more quickly when using the cached datasets. Edit sessions are bound to a report, which makes it possible to use relative references and subreport references in reports.

    For more information see, Previewing Reports in Report Builder 3.0 on

    Making It Easier to Design and Edit Reports

    The run-time credentials, specified in the data source properties of a report, might not work for design time tasks such as creating queries and previewing reports. Report Builder 3.0 provides a user interface for changing credentials when it is unable to connect to the data source.

    For more information, see Data Source Properties Dialog Box, General (Report Builder 3.0) on

    Cache Refresh Plans

    Cache refresh plans let you cache reports or shared dataset query results on first use or from a schedule. You can schedule the cache by using an item-specific schedule or a shared schedule. By creating cache refresh plans for commonly used parameter combinations, you can help improve data retrieval and report viewing response times.

    In previous releases, scheduled caching was achieved by using the NULL delivery provider. By using cache refresh plans, you can manage and schedule report caching separately from report subscriptions.

    For more information, see Cache Refresh Options (Report Manager).

    Report Manager Enhancements

    Report Manager has been updated in this release to provide a better user experience, and an improved look and feel. The most dramatic change for Report Manager is the updated color scheme and layout, which provides easier navigation to manage report properties and report server items. You can use a new drop-down menu on each report or report server item in a folder to access the various configuration options for the report or item you choose.

    The tool maintains the familiar text and same management tasks, but offers an improved user experience by:

    •Improving the workflow for viewing and managing reports and report server items by using a new drop-down menu to access various configuration options for each report or report server item in a folder.

    •Eliminating the need to render a report before accessing and configuring report properties when in default view.

    •Allowing more room for Report Viewer when rendering reports.

    •An updated Report Viewer toolbar, which includes some updates to the toolbar controls, as well as the ability to export report data to an Atom service document and data feeds.

    For more information about Report Manager, including navigational procedures and UI option descriptions, see the topics under Report Manager F1 Help.

    Business Intelligence Development Studio

    Business Intelligence Development Studio supports working with both SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 reports, and with Report Server projects in the SQL Server 2008 R2 version of Business Intelligence Development Studio. You can open, save, preview, and deploy either version of reports or Report Server projects. You set Report Server project properties to specify the version of the report server to deploy reports to and how to handle warnings and errors which might occur when up either upgrade a report from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008 R2, or revert a report from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2008. For more information, see Building Reports in Business Intelligence Development Studio.

    New Web Service Endpoint

    The report server includes a new management endpoint named ReportingService2010. This endpoint merges the functionalities of both the ReportingService2005 and ReportingService2006 endpoints, and can support management operations of the report server in both native mode and SharePoint integrated mode. It also includes new features that are introduced in SQL Server 2008 R2, such as shared datasets and cache refresh.

    For more information, see Report Server Web Service Endpoints.

    New Report Definition Language Schema

    The Report Definition Language schema includes a new <ReportSections> element and elements that define the map report item. In this release, only reports that have one report section can be opened in Report Builder 3.0 or Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio.

  • What's New in SQL Server 2008 R2




    Are you trying to bully OP? :unsure:

  • priya.pk20 (10/17/2011)

    hi all, can anybody suggest me the preparation methodology of sql for interview purpose. i want to know how the question will be on sql and differences between sql2005 & sql2008 as well sql 2008 & sql r8..

    Have to agree with previous posters. Given the breadth of something like SQL server, researching specific questions is not going to get you through an in depth interview. It's not an exam with a set syllabus. You have to know your subject and know it well.

    PS. I'm interviewing this week and next, I hope your'e not one of my candidates? 🙂

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (10/17/2011)

    What's New in SQL Server 2008 R2




    Are you trying to bully OP? :unsure:

    No, I don't think he is. Just making a point that SQL server is a BIG subject

  • Be honest, don't exaggerate your skills, don't claim to know stuff you don't.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (10/18/2011)

    Be honest, don't exaggerate your skills, don't claim to know stuff you don't.

    to follow up on what Gail said above.

    When you admit that you don't know something, explain how you would find the answer.

    Some would go as far as saying that you'd get back to them on that question and follow-up with an email with an answer. I'm not sure if that is needed or not, but it does show followthrough.

  • GilaMonster (10/18/2011)

    Be honest, don't exaggerate your skills, don't claim to know stuff you don't.

    The job that I took in April of this year was one of these types of interviews. They wanted 5 years experience (I had 1 as DBA, and not really intensive) and asked me a bunch of questions that I did not know the answers to. I simply told them that I don't know the answer offhand, but that by applying what I DO know I would come to such and such an answer. Sometimes I was right and sometimes I was wrong. When I was wrong, they told me that I was on the right track, but to think about in a little bit different terms. I was then able to correct my response. I also emphasized that I am a quick learner and especially good at Google and BOL.

    Long story short... They did not hire me when I first interviewed in November of 2010. They hired someone who had all of the answers and the experience. However, they soon learned that his answers were simply book knowledge and he could not apply them in practicality. He stopped showing up to work and kept telling them that he did not know how to do what they were asking him. They finally let him go and gave me a chance.

    Since I have been here they have applauded my willingness to learn and excel at the tasks given to me. I believe that it was my ability to apply the knowledge that I DID know to solve practical problems and that I knew how to properly seek out the answers if I could not find them on my own.

    Don't simply say "I don't know the answer" or make one up. Tell them that you do not know the answer, but would guess based on... Read through these forums, ask specific questions, know the basics and how they APPLY to a production environment. Finally, be honest.


    CE - Microsoft

  • jared-709193 (10/18/2011)

    GilaMonster (10/18/2011)

    Be honest, don't exaggerate your skills, don't claim to know stuff you don't.

    The job that I took in April of this year was one of these types of interviews. They wanted 5 years experience (I had 1 as DBA, and not really intensive) and asked me a bunch of questions that I did not know the answers to. I simply told them that I don't know the answer offhand, but that by applying what I DO know I would come to such and such an answer. Sometimes I was right and sometimes I was wrong. When I was wrong, they told me that I was on the right track, but to think about in a little bit different terms. I was then able to correct my response. I also emphasized that I am a quick learner and especially good at Google and BOL.

    Long story short... They did not hire me when I first interviewed in November of 2010. They hired someone who had all of the answers and the experience. However, they soon learned that his answers were simply book knowledge and he could not apply them in practicality. He stopped showing up to work and kept telling them that he did not know how to do what they were asking him. They finally let him go and gave me a chance.

    Since I have been here they have applauded my willingness to learn and excel at the tasks given to me. I believe that it was my ability to apply the knowledge that I DID know to solve practical problems and that I knew how to properly seek out the answers if I could not find them on my own.

    Don't simply say "I don't know the answer" or make one up. Tell them that you do not know the answer, but would guess based on... Read through these forums, ask specific questions, know the basics and how they APPLY to a production environment. Finally, be honest.


    Well done! My hat is off to you! Seriously! I wish more people had that attitude.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hi

    You can visit for interview Q&A:[/url]


    MCTS SQL Server2k8

  • Jeff Moden (10/18/2011)

    jared-709193 (10/18/2011)

    GilaMonster (10/18/2011)

    Be honest, don't exaggerate your skills, don't claim to know stuff you don't.

    The job that I took in April of this year was one of these types of interviews. They wanted 5 years experience (I had 1 as DBA, and not really intensive) and asked me a bunch of questions that I did not know the answers to. I simply told them that I don't know the answer offhand, but that by applying what I DO know I would come to such and such an answer. Sometimes I was right and sometimes I was wrong. When I was wrong, they told me that I was on the right track, but to think about in a little bit different terms. I was then able to correct my response. I also emphasized that I am a quick learner and especially good at Google and BOL.

    Long story short... They did not hire me when I first interviewed in November of 2010. They hired someone who had all of the answers and the experience. However, they soon learned that his answers were simply book knowledge and he could not apply them in practicality. He stopped showing up to work and kept telling them that he did not know how to do what they were asking him. They finally let him go and gave me a chance.

    Since I have been here they have applauded my willingness to learn and excel at the tasks given to me. I believe that it was my ability to apply the knowledge that I DID know to solve practical problems and that I knew how to properly seek out the answers if I could not find them on my own.

    Don't simply say "I don't know the answer" or make one up. Tell them that you do not know the answer, but would guess based on... Read through these forums, ask specific questions, know the basics and how they APPLY to a production environment. Finally, be honest.


    Well done! My hat is off to you! Seriously! I wish more people had that attitude.

    Thanks Jeff! Now I just have to keep learning and putting those skills to practice! SQL Server Utility will be my next project to research and see if it can help us out. Not all of our machines are on the domain, and some cannot be for business requirements of the customer (Microsoft if you believe it!). Still should give us an idea of how it works and if it is worth using moving forward over something like SpotLight. Also, finally joined the local chapter of PASS here in Chicago. I just hope they let me get off of work a little sooner to go to some of the presentations 🙂


    CE - Microsoft

  • Know the the Standard Model, the six types of quarks, their intrinic properties and interactions. Also know at least the Wizard's First and Second Rule.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (10/20/2011)

    Know the the Standard Model, the six types of quarks, their intrinic properties and interactions. Also know at least the Wizard's First and Second Rule.

    Yet the rule unwritten is really the only one that means anything... and I fear applying the first rule during an interview. There's just no way I can see that going well long term.

    The advice from Jared above is quite good, I wholeheartedly third the motion! (Jeff beat me to the seconding...)

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

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