Internal error. Buffer provided to read... while execute SQL-Statement

  • Hello,

    i think i need some help with our SQL-Server 2008. Unfortunetaly i did not find any working solutions in the web. Maybe i find here some help, because it is really needed. 🙂


    I get the following Error Meesage when i try to execute a simple SQL-Statement:

    Message 682....

    Internal error. Buffer provided to read column value is too small. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption.

    Here is the SQL-Statement i tried tu use:

    select * from TABLE where FILED in (select FIELD from TABLE where FIELD = 'VALUE')

    DBCC does not note any error. I know that there has been a similar issue with the SQL-Server 2005. MS fixed that with a Hotfix. But till now there is none for 2008 version.



  • try to rebuild the indexes on 'where clause' related column ...

  • I'm getting the same error and have it narrowed it down to an update statement. It's running on 2008 and updating via a linked server (2000), and if there are multiple rows to be updated it kicks out the error. If there's one row to be updated, it works fine. This same process (update via linked server to 2000) works fine when ran on 2005. SQL 2008 is at, and linked server (2000) is at 8.0.2055. It uses a temp table and I have changed it to use a permanent table and same error occurs. Multiple inserts to the linked server work fine. Any help would be appreciated.

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