
  • I will connect to different environment SQL server databases from client management studio and work.

    IntelliSense is not working for Prod. I do not Intellisense. I get for all other environments.In the same session of SQL management studio if I am connected to prod- no IntelliSense.Connect to other database -get intellisense.

    I am using SQL 2008 SP3 10.0.5500.0(x64). MS enterprise edition on Windows NT 5.2 x64 Build 3790 service pack 2

    I have below options but no luck.

    1) enable intellisense

    tools-->options>>text editor>>T-sql>>Intellisense

    2)Edit>>IntelliSense>>Refresh Local cache

    3)Toos>>Options>>Text Editor>>T-SQL>>General>>IntelliSense

    Select auto list memberes and check parmeter information

    4) Verify that the T-SQL editor does not lanuch in SQLCMD mode under Tools>>Options>>Query Execution>>SQL server>>General>>make sure "By default ,open new quries in SQLCMD " is unchecked.

    am i missing anything here? Please advise.

  • laddu4700 (7/31/2012)

    I am using SQL 2008 SP3 10.0.5500.0(x64). MS enterprise edition on Windows NT 5.2 x64 Build 3790 service pack 2


    am i missing anything here? Please advise.

    Is that the version of your client or your server or both?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • for Client

    server also SQL same: SQL 2008 SP3

    Windows version for server : 2008/2003

  • That is what I tried.

    Please see my original email. I already tried all these steps.

  • In the window where intellisense is not working, please post the results of the following

    SELECT @@version

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQL 2008 SP3 10.0.5500.0(x64). MS enterprise edition on Windows NT 5.2 x64 Build 3790 service pack 2

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