Installing SQLServer 2000 STD edition and SQLServer 2005 STD edition

  • Hello

    I would like to know if it is possible to install on the same machine (windows 2003 server) both SQL server Std.Edition : 2000 and 2005.

    If it´s possible could you give me some cautions i must have for this kind of installation.


    Many thanks

    Luis Santos


  • No problem, just install SQL Server 2000 first. You can install SQL Server 2000 as a default instance or a named instance. In stall SQL Server 2005 second as a named instance.

    SQL Server 2005 cannot be installed as a default instance next to SQL Server 2000 when SQL Server 2000 is installed as a named instance. The other way around, I am not sure.

  • I've installed SQL2005 as a named instance alongside SQL2000. There appear to be some issues with the 2005 installation, for instance I am having trouble connecting to Analysis Services on SQL2005. I've found references on the web that there issues like this when using a named instance that will be fixed in SP1 later this month.

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