Inserting new row in the middle and not at the end

  • Obviously a bad idea, but had to kill some time before work, so tried this for fun.


    create proc fruitput

    @new int, --id wanted for new input

    @newval varchar(100) --new value to insert


    set nocount on

    select * from fruit

    insert into fruit (fruit)

    select @newval

    update fruit

    set fruit= b.fruit

    from fruit join fruit b

    on =

    where >= @new

    update fruit set fruit = @newval where id = @new

    select * from fruit


    exec fruitput 3, 'apple'

    Have the select *'s before and after to compare.  Do with as you will.

  • Here is a solution(steps listed)

    1. Change the schema, add another column say "PriorityOrder"

    2. Insert all the values (initial data insert)

    3. Create a Trigger on this table, such that if anybody inserts a row, and if the NEW ROWS "PriorityOrder" is the one which already exits in the table, then increment the value in this column = existing value + 1, for the row which have values greater than the one you are trying to insert.


    Hope this helps


  • Thank to everybody for your suggestions.....

    I 'll follow your instruction to reach my goal......

    (I thought another build an easy worksheet and then to SQL as a table).....

    Just to explain why I need an order......

    I have a large database on which a BCP and Bulk must be run.

    To avoid to write the same code for every table (more than 400), I have realized to use a table (called CATALOG table - containing all tables on which the bcp will be performed).

    Of course all tables are linked by constraint (PK and FK) and so they must to respect an exact order to be processed.

    If the database should change...I mean a table is added, it means that the catalog table must be modify, and the name of new table will be added not at the end but in the right position.........(keepeing the PK and FK order)

    Thats the reason I asked an help about this.....I know that tables contains records and not an exact order, but in this case I need it.......


    Thank again......

  • Personally I'd Use Joe's suggestion of adding another column for explicit order, and make it a decimal type so it's easy to add new table names at any point in the sequence. That way your script can just order by that column, and as you need to add new table names later you can put them in the midst of the others just by using values like 5, 6, 6.5, 6.8, 7 in the order column.

  • I think using a table and assign a sequence with a ordering value (1.0, 2.0,3.0.....n.0, 1.1,4.3....) it should be the right solution.

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