• I have a sp that created a table. I need to add the previous days records into the table daily. I receive the following error no when I add the insert above from


    There is already an object named 'chargecapturecopy' in the database.[/highlight]

    CREATE TABLE #FirstNeonate


    SessionID int,

    DeliveryTime datetime,

    PRIMARY KEY (SessionID)


    INSERT INTO #FirstNeonate



    F.Valuetime AS DeliveryTime

    FROM datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings AS F

    INNER JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BLSession_Extended AS S

    ON S.Sessionid = F.Sessionid


    F.Atomid = 24130

    and F.Instance = char(127)+'34323[1]'

    and F.valuestr = 'true'

    --and ( s.facilityid = @FacilityID )

    AND (


    F.Valuetime between '08/26/2016' and getdate()--@StartTimeOut and @EndTimeOut




    CREATE TABLE #TMP_AllNeonates


    SessionID int,

    Instance varchar(255),

    MultiCardNumber INT,

    [MRN] varchar(255),

    DeliveryTime datetime,

    entrytime datetime,

    [LastName] varchar(255),

    [FirstName] varchar(255),

    [FacilityName] varchar(255),

    [FacilityID] int,

    DeliveryTimeOfFirstNeonate DateTime/*,

    PRIMARY KEY (SessionID, Instance)*/


    INSERT INTO #TMP_AllNeonates






    F.ValueTime AS DeliveryTime,




    S.Facility_Name AS [FacilityName],

    S.FacilityID AS [FacilityID],

    FirstNeonate.DeliveryTime AS DeliveryTimeOfFirstNeonate

    FROM #FirstNeonate AS FirstNeonate

    INNER JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings AS F

    ON FirstNeonate.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BLSession_Extended AS S

    ON S.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    WHERE F.ObjectName = 'Time_Of_Delivery!Delivery_Report_Neonate[#]'

    AND F.valuestr = 'true'

    --since we might have duplicates in the finding

    and entrytime = (select max(entrytime) from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings F1

    where F1.sessionid = f.sessionid

    and F1.AtomID = F.AtomID

    And F1.Instance = F.Instance






    F.MultiCardNumber AS [Neonate#],

    (SELECT MAX(MultiCardNumber)

    FROM #TMP_AllNeonates F1

    WHERE F1.sessionid = F.sessionid

    ) AS [Total Neonates],

    F.LastName AS [Last Name],

    F.FirstName AS [First Name],

    F.MRN AS [MRN],

    dbo.EFgetAccountNum(F.Sessionid) AS [Account],

    F.DeliveryTime AS [Delivery Date],

    dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) AS [Delivery Type],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('General_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','General_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'General'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Epidural_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Epidural_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Spinal_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Spinal_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('CLE_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','CLE_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!Cesarean_Section','Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Pudendal_Block!Cesarean_Section','Pudendal_Block!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Pudendal'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Local_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Local_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Local'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Anesthesia_None!Cesarean_Section','Anesthesia_None!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'None'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (1959, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Spinal_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (1958, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Epidural_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (31134, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (8077, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- General_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'General'

    ELSE ''

    END AS [Anesthesia],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('General_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery','General_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section',F.Sessionid,'true') = 'true'

    THEN '65000011'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and f1.AtomID in (1958,1959,31134,38170)

    and f1.Instance in (CHAR(127)+'5995',CHAR(127)+'1996')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000010'

    END AS [Anesth. Code],

    replace(replace(dbo.CRGetEvent(F.sessionid,F.Instance,'Maternal Complications'),'Tubal Ligation ; ',''),'Tubal Ligation','')

    AS [Complications], --

    dbo.CRGetEvent(F.Sessionid,F.Instance,'Lacerations') AS [Lacerations],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Entry_Time_To_OR!Cesarean_Section','Time_Out_Of_OR!Cesarean_Section',F.Sessionid,'true') = 'true'

    THEN '67000553'

    END AS [PACU Code],


    (Select top 1 valuestr

    From BVfindings F2

    WHERE F2.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    AND F2.Objectname like 'Entry_Time_To_OR!%'

    AND F2.Valuestr = 'true') = 'true'

    THEN '67000553'

    ELSE ''



    WHEN (SELECT MAX(MultiCardNumber)

    FROM #TMP_AllNeonates F1

    WHERE F1.sessionid = F.sessionid

    ) >= 2

    THEN '67000138'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(2069,F.Instance,F.SessionID) = 'true' --Vacuum

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(2070,F.Instance,F.SessionID) = 'true' --Forceps

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN (select top 1 f1.valuestr

    from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = F.sessionid

    and f1.ObjectName in ('Placental_Manual_Lysis!Delivery_Report_Neonate[#]',








    and dbo.EFgetFindingValue(1996,F.Instance,F.sessionid) is null --no CS

    ) = 'true'

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByObjectName('Perineal_Laceration_Degree!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid) in ('III','IV')

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByObjectName('Vaginal_Laceration_Degree!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid) in ('III','IV')

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(1996,F.Instance,F.sessionid) = 'true' --CS

    THEN '67000137'

    ELSE '67000136'

    END AS [CDM],

    CASE WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%' --no CS

    THEN 'Tubal Ligation after VD'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'CS Tubal Ligation'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'CS Hysterectomy'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'Hysterectomy after VD'


    (SELECT MAX (A.Text_Str)

    FROM dbo.BLFollowupLog A

    WHERE A.sessionid = F.sessionid

    AND A.Text_Str LIKE '%iud insertion%')LIKE '%iud insertion%'

    THEN 'IUD_Insertion'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Levonorgestrel','IUD_Insertion','Copper')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN 'IUD_Insertion'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname = 'Etonogestrel'

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN 'Implant'

    ELSE ''

    END AS [Procedure],

    CASE WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%' --no CS

    THEN '67000147'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000148'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000150'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000151'


    (SELECT MAX (A.Text_Str)

    FROM dbo.BLFollowupLog A

    WHERE A.sessionid = F.sessionid

    AND A.Text_Str LIKE '%iud insertion%')LIKE '%iud insertion%'

    THEN '65000139'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Levonorgestrel','IUD_Insertion','Copper')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000139'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname = 'Etonogestrel'

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000140'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Proc_Charge',


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(213693, '1996', F.Sessionid) = 'true'

    THEN 'yes'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Adhesive Barrier',

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS Manufacturer,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(135321,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS CatalogNumber,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(68613,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS LotNumber,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(73736,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS Qty,


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE '%inter%'

    THEN '67000635'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'sepra%'

    THEN '67000629'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'surgi%'

    THEN '67000603'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'bakri%'

    THEN '67000608'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'floseal%'

    THEN '67000634'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Implant Charge',


    F.FacilityName AS [FacilityName],

    F.[FacilityID] AS [FacilityID],


    [highlight="#ffff11"]INTO dbo.chargecapturecopy[/highlight]


    #TMP_AllNeonates AS F


    if I put it at the top I receive error

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CREATE'.


    [highlight="#ffff11"]INSERT INTO dbo.chargecapturecopy[/highlight]

    CREATE TABLE #FirstNeonate


    SessionID int,

    DeliveryTime datetime,

    PRIMARY KEY (SessionID)


    INSERT INTO #FirstNeonate



    F.Valuetime AS DeliveryTime

    FROM datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings AS F

    INNER JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BLSession_Extended AS S

    ON S.Sessionid = F.Sessionid


    F.Atomid = 24130

    and F.Instance = char(127)+'34323[1]'

    and F.valuestr = 'true'

    --and ( s.facilityid = @FacilityID )

    AND (


    F.Valuetime between '08/26/2016' and getdate()--@StartTimeOut and @EndTimeOut




    CREATE TABLE #TMP_AllNeonates


    SessionID int,

    Instance varchar(255),

    MultiCardNumber INT,

    [MRN] varchar(255),

    DeliveryTime datetime,

    entrytime datetime,

    [LastName] varchar(255),

    [FirstName] varchar(255),

    [FacilityName] varchar(255),

    [FacilityID] int,

    DeliveryTimeOfFirstNeonate DateTime/*,

    PRIMARY KEY (SessionID, Instance)*/


    INSERT INTO #TMP_AllNeonates






    F.ValueTime AS DeliveryTime,




    S.Facility_Name AS [FacilityName],

    S.FacilityID AS [FacilityID],

    FirstNeonate.DeliveryTime AS DeliveryTimeOfFirstNeonate

    FROM #FirstNeonate AS FirstNeonate

    INNER JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings AS F

    ON FirstNeonate.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    JOIN datamartdb2.dbo.BLSession_Extended AS S

    ON S.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    WHERE F.ObjectName = 'Time_Of_Delivery!Delivery_Report_Neonate[#]'

    AND F.valuestr = 'true'

    --since we might have duplicates in the finding

    and entrytime = (select max(entrytime) from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFIndings F1

    where F1.sessionid = f.sessionid

    and F1.AtomID = F.AtomID

    And F1.Instance = F.Instance






    F.MultiCardNumber AS [Neonate#],

    (SELECT MAX(MultiCardNumber)

    FROM #TMP_AllNeonates F1

    WHERE F1.sessionid = F.sessionid

    ) AS [Total Neonates],

    F.LastName AS [Last Name],

    F.FirstName AS [First Name],

    F.MRN AS [MRN],

    dbo.EFgetAccountNum(F.Sessionid) AS [Account],

    F.DeliveryTime AS [Delivery Date],

    dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) AS [Delivery Type],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('General_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','General_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'General'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Epidural_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Epidural_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Spinal_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Spinal_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('CLE_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','CLE_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!Cesarean_Section','Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Pudendal_Block!Cesarean_Section','Pudendal_Block!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Pudendal'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Local_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section','Local_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'Local'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Anesthesia_None!Cesarean_Section','Anesthesia_None!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid,'true')='true'

    THEN 'None'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (1959, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Spinal_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (1958, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Epidural_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (31134, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- Combined_Spinal_Epidural_Anesth!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'Regional'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue (8077, '15216[1]', F.sessionid) = 'true' -- General_Anesthesia!General_Operative_Procedure[#]

    THEN 'General'

    ELSE ''

    END AS [Anesthesia],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('General_Anesthesia!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery','General_Anesthesia!Cesarean_Section',F.Sessionid,'true') = 'true'

    THEN '65000011'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and f1.AtomID in (1958,1959,31134,38170)

    and f1.Instance in (CHAR(127)+'5995',CHAR(127)+'1996')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000010'

    END AS [Anesth. Code],

    replace(replace(dbo.CRGetEvent(F.sessionid,F.Instance,'Maternal Complications'),'Tubal Ligation ; ',''),'Tubal Ligation','')

    AS [Complications], --

    dbo.CRGetEvent(F.Sessionid,F.Instance,'Lacerations') AS [Lacerations],


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByValueSTR_2Objects('Entry_Time_To_OR!Cesarean_Section','Time_Out_Of_OR!Cesarean_Section',F.Sessionid,'true') = 'true'

    THEN '67000553'

    END AS [PACU Code],


    (Select top 1 valuestr

    From BVfindings F2

    WHERE F2.Sessionid = F.Sessionid

    AND F2.Objectname like 'Entry_Time_To_OR!%'

    AND F2.Valuestr = 'true') = 'true'

    THEN '67000553'

    ELSE ''



    WHEN (SELECT MAX(MultiCardNumber)

    FROM #TMP_AllNeonates F1

    WHERE F1.sessionid = F.sessionid

    ) >= 2

    THEN '67000138'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(2069,F.Instance,F.SessionID) = 'true' --Vacuum

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(2070,F.Instance,F.SessionID) = 'true' --Forceps

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN (select top 1 f1.valuestr

    from datamartdb2.dbo.BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = F.sessionid

    and f1.ObjectName in ('Placental_Manual_Lysis!Delivery_Report_Neonate[#]',








    and dbo.EFgetFindingValue(1996,F.Instance,F.sessionid) is null --no CS

    ) = 'true'

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByObjectName('Perineal_Laceration_Degree!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid) in ('III','IV')

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValueByObjectName('Vaginal_Laceration_Degree!Normal_Vaginal_Delivery',F.Sessionid) in ('III','IV')

    THEN '67000135'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(1996,F.Instance,F.sessionid) = 'true' --CS

    THEN '67000137'

    ELSE '67000136'

    END AS [CDM],

    CASE WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%' --no CS

    THEN 'Tubal Ligation after VD'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'CS Tubal Ligation'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'CS Hysterectomy'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN 'Hysterectomy after VD'


    (SELECT MAX (A.Text_Str)

    FROM dbo.BLFollowupLog A

    WHERE A.sessionid = F.sessionid

    AND A.Text_Str LIKE '%iud insertion%')LIKE '%iud insertion%'

    THEN 'IUD_Insertion'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Levonorgestrel','IUD_Insertion','Copper')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN 'IUD_Insertion'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname = 'Etonogestrel'

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN 'Implant'

    ELSE ''

    END AS [Procedure],

    CASE WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%' --no CS

    THEN '67000147'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Tubal_Ligation!Recovery_Report_T[#]','Tubal_Ligation!General_Operative_Procedure[#]',

    'Tubal_Ligation!Discharge', 'Tubal_Ligation!Cesarean_Section', 'Surgeon_Present!Tubal_Ligation')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000148'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000150'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Total_Abdominal_Hysterectomy!Recovery_Report_T[#]',












    and f1.ValueStr = 'true')

    AND dbo.CRChargeCaptureTypeOfDelivery(F.Sessionid,F.Instance) NOT LIKE 'Cesarean%'

    THEN '67000151'


    (SELECT MAX (A.Text_Str)

    FROM dbo.BLFollowupLog A

    WHERE A.sessionid = F.sessionid

    AND A.Text_Str LIKE '%iud insertion%')LIKE '%iud insertion%'

    THEN '65000139'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname IN ('Levonorgestrel','IUD_Insertion','Copper')

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000139'

    WHEN EXISTS (select top 1 1

    from BVFindings f1

    where f1.sessionId = f.sessionId

    and F1.Objectname = 'Etonogestrel'

    and f1.ValueStr = 'true'


    THEN '65000140'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Proc_Charge',


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(213693, '1996', F.Sessionid) = 'true'

    THEN 'yes'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Adhesive Barrier',

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS Manufacturer,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(135321,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS CatalogNumber,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(68613,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS LotNumber,

    ISNULL (dbo.EFgetFindingValue(73736,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid), '') AS Qty,


    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE '%inter%'

    THEN '67000635'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'sepra%'

    THEN '67000629'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'surgi%'

    THEN '67000603'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'bakri%'

    THEN '67000608'

    WHEN dbo.EFgetFindingValue(156991,'213694[1996]',F.Sessionid) LIKE 'floseal%'

    THEN '67000634'

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Implant Charge',


    F.FacilityName AS [FacilityName],

    F.[FacilityID] AS [FacilityID],



    #TMP_AllNeonates AS F

    please help.

  • Don't put it at the top of the procedure, put it at the top of the SELECT statement.

    The same way you have INSERT INTO #TMP_AllNeonates

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • When you do a SELECT...INTO statement, SQL wants to create the table you are selecting into. It's one of the most common ways to create a table in the first place. If you want to insert records into an existing table, you need to do:

    INSERT INTO dbo.chargecapturecopy


    field 2,






    The INSERT statement has to list all of the columns of the dbo.chargecapturecopy and the SELECT statement has to list all of the columns that map to those inserted columns in exactly the same order and with the same or compatible data types.

    Since you are creating temp tables first, I would still do those first and then once you have all of the source data sets created, do your INSERT INTO statement as shown above.

    Hope this helps

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