Insert Query issue

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to insert data from one table into another using the following query but i'm not sure about this error. I know the insert code is fine and i know the select code is good. I just think having the two together is the issue. Thanks for looking.

    INSERT INTO wce_contact (UNIQUEID,contact,firstname,middle_name,lastname,stu_id,dob,



    with cteDelegates(stu_id, Student_Forename, middlename, Surname, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff, Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, rown) as(Select stu_id, Student_Forename, middlename, Surname, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff, Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY stu_id ORDER BY stu_id) from wce_ilr)

    Select stu_id, Student_Forename + ' ' + Surname, Student_Forename, middlename,

    Surname, stu_id, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff,

    Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, 'Learner' AS Learner

    from cteDelegates where rown = 1 order by Student_Forename

    I did try adding the ; but that error'ed too


    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.

    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

  • You need the CTE above the entire insert statement. This should work.

    ;with cteDelegates(stu_id, Student_Forename, middlename, Surname, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff, Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, rown) as(Select stu_id, Student_Forename, middlename, Surname, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff, Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY stu_id ORDER BY stu_id) from wce_ilr)

    INSERT INTO wce_contact (UNIQUEID,contact,firstname,middle_name,lastname,stu_id,dob,



    Select stu_id, Student_Forename + ' ' + Surname, Student_Forename, middlename,

    Surname, stu_id, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff,

    Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4, Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number,STEN_Employer_Identifier, 'Learner' AS Learner

    from cteDelegates where rown = 1 order by Student_Forename

  • Thanks Matt, that did it!! appreciate the help.

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