Insert Into Using StoredProc

  • I'm having one of those days...

    I want to create a StoredProc that runs an Insert query into a table.

    My main data table contains details around appts for customers. ApptID, ApptDate, CustomerNo, Customer Details etc

    We use this to send text messages out daily to remind of up coming appts. The customer has the ability to text back if cant make it.

    I want to extract back the appts that are cancelled.

    I need to create a StoredProc that Inserts ApptID, CustomerNo and the datetime now into another table.

    This is my StoredProc, when it executes I get the error, StoredProc has no parameters and arguments were supplied.

    Where have I gone wrong?

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RunInsertCanxAppt


    DECLARE @ApptID int

    DECLARE @CustNumber varchar(15)

    INSERT INTO dbo.ApptsCanx (CustNumber, ApptID, CanxDate)

    VALUES ((SELECT CustID FROM dbo.Data WHERE CustID = @CustNumber), (SELECT ApptID FROM dbo.Data WHERE ApptID = @ApptID), GETDATE()

    My execute statment

    EXEC dbo.RunInsertCanxAppt 53954, 123456

  • jez.lisle (5/24/2012)

    I'm having one of those days...

    I want to create a StoredProc that runs an Insert query into a table.

    My main data table contains details around appts for customers. ApptID, ApptDate, CustomerNo, Customer Details etc

    We use this to send text messages out daily to remind of up coming appts. The customer has the ability to text back if cant make it.

    I want to extract back the appts that are cancelled.

    I need to create a StoredProc that Inserts ApptID, CustomerNo and the datetime now into another table.

    This is my StoredProc, when it executes I get the error, StoredProc has no parameters and arguments were supplied.

    Where have I gone wrong?

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RunInsertCanxAppt


    DECLARE @ApptID int

    DECLARE @CustNumber varchar(15)

    INSERT INTO dbo.ApptsCanx (CustNumber, ApptID, CanxDate)

    VALUES ((SELECT CustID FROM dbo.Data WHERE CustID = @CustNumber), (SELECT ApptID FROM dbo.Data WHERE ApptID = @ApptID), GETDATE()

    My execute statment

    EXEC dbo.RunInsertCanxAppt 53954, 123456

    What you've done is declare local variables rather than parameters. Check the code to this:

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RunInsertCanxAppt

    (@ApptID int,

    @CustNumber varchar(15)


    INSERT INTO dbo.ApptsCanx (CustNumber, ApptID, CanxDate)

    VALUES ((SELECT CustID FROM dbo.Data WHERE CustID = @CustNumber), (SELECT ApptID FROM dbo.Data WHERE ApptID = @ApptID), GETDATE()

    That ought to get you where you need to go.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thats it 😀

    Brilliant thanks for the help

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