Index Rebuild

  • Hi..I am trying to Rebuild the indexes on a table by using the following command...

    ALTER INDEX all ON TableName


    after running this command, I still find the fragmentation on the indexes on this table. it used to be 90% fragmentation and it reduced to 70%. do we have to run this command multiple times?? or am I missing something here ? Please advise me...

    Thanks a lot..

  • If your table is small - it will never be defragmented fully. How large is this table in pages?

    The general rule is that you won't see any benefits to rebuilding indexes until the table has more than 1000 pages.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • The table has 5 million records....But in dm_db_index_physical_stats, it shows page_count = 6 and record_count = 1503!! Is that sample data or am I missing something? I m using following query..

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) AS [Table Name], AS [Index Name],

    dm.avg_fragmentation_in_percent, *

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED') dm

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = dm.object_id

    AND i.index_id = dm.index_id

    where avg_fragmentation_in_percent>20

  • Was this database upgraded from SQL Server 2000? If so, have you run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE and DBCC CHECKDB ... WITH DATA_PURITY?

    Since you are using the DETAILED flag, are you sure you are looking at the right object and index?

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • No it is not is SQL 2008 ....there are 8 indexes on that table. out of 8, I m getting 3 indexes showing around 50% fragmentation, 1 clustered and 2 non clustered. Detailed in the sense, Do we get any other indexes which are not critical??

    Thanks a lot..

  • If I replace Detailed with LIMITED, I don't get any fragmented indexes....What does it mean?? we don't need to worry about this or what??

    Thank you

  • Can you provide a sample of what you are seeing when you use DETAILED? I am going to guess that you are seeing fragmentation at one of the leaf levels of the index and not at the data level. When you use limited - you would only be looking at the data level (I believe).

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • This is the result I m getting:

    avg_frag db_id

    TableName cndx_PrimaryKey_Contact 50 11

    object_id index_id Partition




    Index_level frag_count avg_frag_size pg_count

    2 6 1 6

    avg_page_space record_count

    77.3474178403756 15030 CLUSTERED

    I tried to print the column names, But I couldn't...Thanks for your patience

  • So, that is showing us index level 4 - what are the values for the other index levels? And, where are you seeing that this table has millions of rows?

    One of the things you can do is just run the DMV for that specific object using limited, sampled and detailed to see the differences. You can get the object id from sys.objects or sys.tables with a query like:

    SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'your table name here';

    Then, run the following:

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), {object id here}, NULL, NULL, 'LIMITED');

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), {object id here}, NULL, NULL, 'SAMPLED');

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), {object id here}, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED');

    For limited and sampled, we should only see a single row for each index. For detailed, we should see multiple rows for each index. Each row shows the value for each leaf level of the index.

    You can take a screen shot and post it as an attachment here.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • yeah...exactly I got the same results as you LIMITED, I returned only 1 row with page count 500000, index level = 0 and fragmentatoin is just .2% which is not bad....

    but in Detailed, for the index_level = 2, page_count = 6 the fragmentation is 50%.

    Do I have to worry about this??

  • When using detailed, you should only be worried about the bottom (data) level. I think you are fine for now.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • Awesome...Thank you very much for your help and patience...

  • Glad I could help

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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