
  • We have 4 procedures like below:

    select * from article where

    websiteid = @websiteid

    isfeatured = 1

    startdate >= @startdate

    enddate <= @enddate

    isactive = 1

    select * from article where

    websiteid = @websiteid

    istopstory = 1

    startdate >= @startdate

    enddate <= @enddate

    isactive = 1

    select * from article where

    websiteid = @websiteid

    isbreakingnews = 1

    startdate >= @startdate

    enddate <= @enddate

    isactive = 1

    select * from article where

    websiteid = @websiteid

    islatestnews = 1

    startdate >= @startdate

    enddate <= @enddate

    isactive = 1

    From above we can see that 4 conditions are common in where clause of above procedures. Article table is currently having 1 lac records, how indexes should be created considering performance aspects ?

  • Not sure if the website id is an identity column, if it is then create a clustered index on that

    for the common ones create a non-clustered index and don't include websiteid as it will be inherited from clustered index i.e. On (IsActive,StartDate,EndDate)

    and check the performance, if still it is not using Non clustered then you may create the above nonclustered index with including columns (islatestnews,isbreakingstory,isfeaturedstory..)

    This might give you better performance, but always try to check the plans and come to conclusion.

  • Without data there is not guarantee that this is the best index to create but I am pretty sure its close

    Clustered index on wesbiteid

    Nonclustered index on Startdate , enddate with included columns( isfeatured ,istopstory ,isbreakingnews ,islatestnews )

    Not sure if isactive column has any reasonable carnality or distribution so you might not need an index on it .

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • There is a separate "Website" table which has websiteid as a primary key and identity column.

    and Article table has articleid as a primary key and identity column and in this table websiteid is stored.

    So should I include websiteid in the index for table Article ?

  • Just based on those queries and no other:

    Index ON Article (websiteid, IsActive, startdate, enddate) include (isfeatured ,istopstory ,isbreakingnews ,islatestnews)

    Or, as an alternative, if the filter for IsActive is ALWAYS IsActive = 1 and the column isn't needed in the SELECT

    ON Article (websiteid, startdate, enddate) include (isfeatured ,istopstory ,isbreakingnews ,islatestnews) WHERE IsActive = 1

    SQL usually won't use more than one index per table per query, so if you put an index that only has some of the columns from the WHERE clause, you're forcing it to do a seek, then a lookup, then a secondary filter, which is inefficient.

    I'd also suggest change those queries so they're not doing a SELECT * , and are just returning the columns that are needed.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I agree with everything Gail says (shocker).

    However, if you don't already have a clustered index, then maybe using the same key structure she suggests will make for a good cluster. Then you don't have to sweat the INCLUDE since it'll already be there.

    Assuming these are your most common paths for accessing the data, that's frequently the best place to put a clustered index.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thank you for valuable suggestions, it worked !!

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