IN Parameter

  • I'm writing a stored procedure, and I want one of the parameters to be used as a list of values to a select statement - the business end of the stored proc looks like:

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN(@param)

    I want to call it using @param='''1'',''2'',''3''', but this doesn't work. It interprets it as IN(''1','2','3'') - comparing it to the whole value, rather than its component parts. Is there any way I can fix this?

  • Only if you use dynamic sql or seperate each item to be used.



    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN(' + @param + ')'

    EXEC (@SQLStr)

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I did something like that. But my string of possible in values may be up to 32K long. How can I deal with that?

  • Set up multiple variables and set each to a section of code then do

    EXEC (@SQLBase + @P1 + @P2)

    You can have multiple 8000 character varchars at one time.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • The problem I'm having is that the IN string is a parameter on the stored procedure. I'm calling the stored procedure from Access using ADO. What should I do? Create 10 parameters on the stored procedure?

  • I am afraid that yes that would be the only choice I can see. And would have to parse those on the Access side. I will see if there is anything else around at work but I can't think of anything.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • What about creating a temporary table?

    Prior to running the query create a temporary table into which you insert all the values in the @param field eg:



    KEY_FIELD nvarchar(x)


    CREATE INDEX ......KEY_FIELD .....etc....

    Pseudo :-

    For Each Key in @param

    Insert Row into #TEMP_KEYS Where KEY_FIELD = Key


    Then Run your Select

    SELECT *

    FROM table A


    WHERE A.field = B.KEY_FIELD

    Then :-


    The overhead of the Insert into a Temporary Table may be too much, but at least it keeps the SQL Simple and efficient.

    It's just an idea!

    Simon Sutcliffe !MVP + !MSC

    "To ask is human, to assume is dangerous"

  • I posted recently the Script that might help you with your problem:

    Pass several sets of parameters to run stored proc

    Edited by - EPol29 on 04/10/2002 09:07:55 AM

  • can your in clause be expressed as a Sql statement or are the values derived from somewhere else?

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