Importing from SQL Server To Oracle

  • I am trying to export data from an SQL Server database to an Oracle database on the same PC. I am using the DTS wizard. Everything seems it is going to work fine until at the last stage I got a series of errors: [ORACLE][ODBC][ORA]00942:table or view does not exist and [ORACLE][ODBC][ORA]001918 user 'xxxx' does not exist. What can I be doing wrong? What should I be doing?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • How are you logging into Oracle in the DTS package? Does the table exist under the schema, is a synonym needed, or does the schema account of permissions to the table?

    I don't know for sure, but am guessing that this may be a schema/permission issue.

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Hi I have done the export succesfully as I utilized Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server(source with the Oracle Provider for OLE DB(destination). One more thing though. I noticed that the stored procedures did migrate accross. Any ideas How I can migrate the stored procedures accross to Oracle?

  • Are you talking about migrating the source code for the stored proc, like CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shema.objectname

    Or are you suggesting the return of a result set from a stored procedure?

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • I mean the source code

  • There is no way you could migrate your stored procedure codes straight from SQL Server into Oracle. For one, the codes are probably not compatible and you would have to re-write them anyway.

    Right now, I don't know if a code-converter from SQL Server to Oracle is in the market.


  • Agreed, I've worked w/ both PL/SQL and T-SQL and am fluent in both. If this is a one time deal you may be lucky and find little change in the code is needed, but regardless, someone is going to have to go through the DDL/DML with a fine tooth comb, and some of the procedures may need to be views....Wow, now that I think a little more about it, there could be a lot of change since the functionality of stored procs can be different between the DBMS's...

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

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