Importing DTS packages into SQL2005 using dtsrun.exe

  • Hi,

    I am having a problem importing a DTS package into SQL2005, and I hope someone can explain what is going on.... Here are my steps:

    1. Export DTS package from (PROD) SQL2000 to Structured Storage file format using Management Studio.

    2. Import DTS package into (PROD) SQL2005 using Mangement Studio……all working fine.

    3. Export DTS package from (PROD) SQL2005 to Structured Storage file using dtsrun.exe command…:

    dtsrun.exe /S SERVER\INSTANCE /N "DTS_package_name" /E /F "G:\DTS_new.dts" /!x

    4. Import DTS package into (TEST) SQL2005 using Management Studio…..then when I open the package I get a different DTS package!! It looks like just a different version of the package, but I cannot find that version anywhere. When I query the DBO.SYSDTSPACKAGES table in (PROD) SQL2005 & (TEST) SQL2005 for that particular DTS package, I only get ONE row returned, so clearly there is only one version. There are two versions in (PROD) SQL2000, but neither look like the version that was imported.

    As a side-note, If I export the DTS package from (PROD) SQL2005 using Management Studio, then import into (TEST) SQL2005, I get the correct version. So somehow, dtsrun.exe is picking up a version .... but where from I don't know!

    Can anyone explain? thanks 🙂

  • What do you mean when you say it looks like a different version of the package? Does it have the same tasks and workflows, but the layout is different? If so, it's expected behavior. I use the free tool DTSBackup2000, which has an option to not use the object model thus preserving layout and annotations. It's at


  • What I mean is, it looks like one of the very early versions of this package. It has additional tasks, workflows etc, that are not in the final version.

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