Importing AS400 data via SISS doesn't like substr

  • Hi,

    I'm pulling data in from an AS400 system using a SSIS package and had to amend the import AS400 select statement.

    The new version adds the following clause which SSIS doesn't like...

    where (substr(M1DATE,3,2) ||'/' ||

    substr(M1DATE,5,2) || '/' ||

    substr(M1PDATE,1,2)) >= date(curdate())

    does anyone out there know if SISS recognises the substr function. As I said, it works fine without it.

    I'm connected to AS400 through an IBM ISeries connection which is configured correctly.

    Any help welcome.


  • Hi,

    after playing with this I have learned that the substr function is ok and the problem is with the date(curdate()) part of the clause.

    so, the original question should be.....has anyone experienced this problem before?

    Any help welcome.


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