Import data using BCP

  • All,

    I have 100 files in a folder on my local computer. I would like to import data from all those files with name ending "_Final" to my sql server table using BCP. I can not use bulk insert as the data is on my pc and dont have access to server.

    So if there are 30 such files with this name then the data from only those 30 files to go to table.

    Thanks in advance...

  • Is the layoutthe same for all the files? Are they all going into the same table? Do you have a format file?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hi Apat, I dont know if I understand well, but You said you can not use bulk insert because you dont have access to the server. I belive you said to use BCP because you can pass server and database..even this way, you have to share the paths to your files.

    Well, I belive powershell can help this case. and you can use bulk insert, passing the servername, database, password..etc

    Try this

    let say he files are :




    and the table

    CREATE TABLE testebcp (c INT, c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT)

    Get-ChildItem \\yourpath\...| Where-Object { $ -match ""_Final" } | foreach { Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance YourServer -Database YourDatabase -Username YourUserUname -Password YourPassword -Query "BULK INSERT dbo.testebcp FROM \\yourX\YourPath\$($_)'





    " }

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Yes format is the same for all the files. They all are going to the same table and I do not have format file.

    Each file has 3 columns and character data.

  • I would follow the process that Laerte posted. It's quick and simple to manage and does exactly what you need.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • will bulk insert work if I have files lying on my local desktop?

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