import data

  • Hi ,

        i want to import the production copy on my local system.can somebody guide me on this.



    Thanks a lot

  • Open up the Data Transformation Wizard on your local system and go to town.

  • Look up BACKUP and RESTORE in BOL. It is described pretty well, and it should be what you need.

  • TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Restore failed for Server 'test'.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)



    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Directory lookup for the file "D:\Datafiles\testing.mdf" failed with the operating system error 21(The device is not ready.). (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)


    i am getting the following error message when i try to restore it.Any Suggesstions or advice?

  • Do you have a D: drive on your local machine, and is that file in that location on your D: drive if you do?


  • no i dont have a Drive on my local machine and that file is on my wht should i do?

  • Try this - I use this all the time when moving a database from server to server.  Almost always our drives our different so we have to use the "with move" option


    --this will display the logical and physical file names that you need to use in the move

    restore filelistonly

    from disk = 'E:\SQL2000Data\DKDP_STAGING_DATA_20040218.DMP'


    --use this when the log/data files are in a different location on the source and you need to move it to a different

    --directory on the destination

    Restore Database Staging

    From Disk = 'E:\SQL2000Data\DKDP_STAGING_DATA_20040218.DMP'

    with move 'Staging_Data' to 'e:\sql2000data\staging_data.mdf',

    move 'Staging_log' to 'e:\sql2000data\staging_log.ldf'

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