Import a file in a directory

  • I had to create a DTS job that would grab a file from a particular directory, whenever a new file is added, and then import it using some procedure that i had created. To get the file, i try to grab it, and store in a temp table on the database. Using help from

    i modified my activex script to look like this:

    Function Main()

    ' Declare FSO Related Variables

    Dim sFolder

    Dim fso

    Dim fsoFolder

    Dim fsoFile

    Dim sFileName

    ' Import Folder

    sFolder = "D:\Evaluate_CCExtractFileJulWithWOff2\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set fsoFolder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)

    For Each fsoFile in fsoFolder.Files

    ' Get first filenme

    if fsoFile.Name <> "Dummy.txt" then

    sFileName = sFolder & fsoFile.Name

    Exit For

    end if


    'Declare Variables

    Dim oPKG

    Dim oConnection

    ' Get Package Object

    Set oPKG = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    ' Get Source Connection Object

    Set oConnection = oPKG.Connections("Text File (Source)")

    ' Set new Filename

    oConnection.DataSource = sFileName

    DTSDestination("Temp_Record") = DTSSource("Col001")

    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

    The dummy.txt is a file i made, which is pointed to by the Text File (Source) connection. Now, i specifically said in the code that if its dummy.txt, then loop and get the new file, but always that i run it, it just gets the dummy.txt for no reason.

    Can you tell me where im going wrong?

    Thanks a ton

  • Try adding message boxes to the code to try to debug it, like...

    For Each fsoFile in fsoFolder.Files

         if fsoFile.Name <> "Dummy.txt" then

              sFileName = sFolder & fsoFile.Name

              MsgBox sFileName & " " & fsoFile.Name 

              Exit For

         end if

              MsgBox sFileName & " " & fsoFile.Name 


    MsgBox sFileName & " " & fsoFile.Name 

  • Might be case sensitivity. Try;

    if lcase(fsoFile.Name) <> "dummy.txt" then



  • Thanks for that guys.

    It was infact that i had declared the activex script after the text connection was established.

    I changed it so that i do the activex stuff first, and then do a "workflow-success" arrow to the text connection and it does fine now.

    Thanks for the help anyway.

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