Impersonation error...Its aindboggling one..

  • hi,

    When i try to deploythe cube first the error occurs,

    'The database already exist on the server,If you proceed with the deployement the database will be overwritten.Would you like to continue.'

    I press yes, but the error thrown is

    'The database contains an impersonation mode that is reserved for server administrators'

    I have granted the user as serverrole for the database.I have tried all the options in the Impersonation Information tab ...Nothing worked out....

    What i want to do get my cube successfuly deployed?

    I have googled for it for the past two clear solution......Please friends help me out.......

  • hi mates,

    Suggest me something so that i can try something....



  • hi,

    I got the problem solved friends...Thanks for all of you...



  • what was the fix?


  • hi,

    You have to add your windows login name to the analysis server and in the impersonation tab of the datasource in Business Intelligence studio you have to give your windows login name and password.

    cheers mate


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