IIS hangs & slow the connections

  • we have installed IIS 5.0 on our web server.we have to restart our IIS after 3-4 hours when users from internet try to access our back office application on web server. And our web server is connecting to our database server through ODBC connection.

    web server config:

    os :win 2000 advncd svr

    ram : 2gb

    hdd : 2hdd * mirroring

    cpu : 3.00 ghz

    asp.net version :1.1

    concurrent connections are 15-20 users. these users are fetching Select , insert commands to sql database server through ODBC from web server.

    Where can we improve ?

    Please suggest.


  • Hello,

    Have you identified where the bottleneck is? Is it definitely the Web Server or is the SQL Server running slowly, or do you have poor connectivity between the Web and SQL servers?

    Iā€™m assuming the Web Server and SQL Server are separate machines - correct? If so, how are they networked together?


    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • John Marsh (11/4/2008)


    Have you identified where the bottleneck is? Is it definitely the Web Server or is the SQL Server running slowly, or do you have poor connectivity between the Web and SQL servers?

    Iā€™m assuming the Web Server and SQL Server are separate machines - correct? If so, how are they networked together?


    John Marsh

    "YES both are separate machine & sql sever is having good confg.web server and sql server are in same netowrk connected through gigabyet switch.But when more users are connecting to sql db server & also many of the users from our office itself connect to the server (placing select update or insert cmd to db ), IIS gets slow, even our webpage doesnt open then we have to restart IIS manually. we have checked the system utilization which is underutilized.


  • YES both are separate machine & sql sever is having good confg.web server and sql server are in same netowrk connected through gigabyet switch.But when more users are connecting to sql db server & also many of the users from our office itself connect to the server (placing select update or insert cmd to db ), IIS gets slow, even our webpage doesnt open then we have to restart IIS manually. we have checked the system utilization which is underutilized.


  • A couple of things to look at:

    1.) RAM utilization on the Web server.

    2.) Is IIS 5.0 at the latest service pack level and have all fixes been applied?

    3.) Same for Win2k Adv. Server

    4.) 2GB RAM sounds a bit small for a web server, but we know nothing more than that the number of users is fairly small. Even a small number of users can generate a large load on the IIS box if the data they're retrieving into recordsets is large enough (via ASP.NET), so RAM may be an issue, especially if any one recordset retrieval would require more than 2GB. (I'm thinking of the possibility that suddenly, the total data retrieval now exceeds some threshold where IIS can't allocate enough RAM and goes into a wait state).

    5.) You didn't mention the size of your SQL Server, or what it's performance characteristics are. Please elaborate...

    Given this list of things to look at, here are some things that can be done about them:

    1.) Add RAM to the IIS box (but see item 4's solutions as well)

    2.) & 3.) Download & install the latest fixes and/or service packs.

    4.) a.) Add RAM to the IIS box

    b.) Examine the queries being run through ASP.net, and look for things like "SELECT *" that may not be necessary if ALL the fields in that query are not used for display purposes on the relevant webpage. In that scenario, select only the fields to be displayed or that are used for calculation or grouping/sorting.

    c.) If the hardware is sufficiently inadequate that an upgrade is unlikely to help enough to do any good, consider replacing the web server with more capable/more expandable hardware and/or more current operating software.

    5.) Address any performance issues at the SQL Server with things like:

    a.) Add RAM to the SQL Server.

    b.) Check the MaxServerMemory setting for SQL Server to ensure it's not the bottleneck, but be sure to leave the operating system at least 1 GB for it to work with.


    (aka smunson)


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