IdentifySQL Services Restart

  • We need to identify by which account SQL service restart service was made. Actually in our environment we have many team accounts who have administrative rights on server as per the project requirement. Now we want to trace out by which accounts SQL service stop\restart activity was initiated.

    So how can we trace out who restarted SQL services

  • Check the Evt system log - It stipulates the user that sends the stop and start control for the service.

    Every day is a school day, and don't trust anyone who tells you any different.

  • Hi

    We need automatic alert whenever a sql service restart request is made that this user has requested sql service restart.

  • Hi there - apologies for the lateness of the response.

    There are numerous software packages out there that will notify you on the basis of evt log messages or if the sql server instance is running on windows 7 (unlikely I know) you can attach a task to an event log message, which can send an email.

    I would suggest that you really need to look at what you are trying to achieve. If you have fears about security then perhaps you need to review your security policy and bump the level of access down so that only a few have the rights to start/stop the server and others have DBO access (or less) for the Db's that they need.

    Every day is a school day, and don't trust anyone who tells you any different.

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